January 1, 2023
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who created us and formed us and one who never ever forgets us. Firstly on behalf of my family, and on behalf of God’s Love Ministries, I wish you all a very Happy New-year 2023. May God help you to begin this New –year with a renewed life, clean and blameless life, casting aside all unwanted and evil ways of your past life. You are all anxiously waiting to hear the Heavenly Manna, for the year 2023; well the promise for you is taken from the book.”Isaiah 58:8, “Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”
Firstly God says, then your light shall break forth like the morning.
Secondly, He says, Your healing shall spring forth like the bright morning light. Thirdly God says, your righteousness shall go forth before you, like the bright morning light, Fourthly God says, like the bright morning light, the glory of the Lord, shall be your rear guard. God has given you four different kinds of blessings for this New- year. To receive these blessings God has laid a condition for you. He will surely grant you all the blessing He has promised but you have to accept them with certain conditions.
We need to do certain things. Share your bread with the hungry. Bring to your home those who are poor and cast aside, and cover those without proper clothing. And do not hide yourself from doing good to those who are badly in need of help. This is the greatest form of thanking God for all his goodness towards you. If you follow all these instructions in the New Year, your light will break forth like the bright morning. God will grant you all the four blessings mentioned in this auspicious word of God.
Firstly God says, “That your light shall break forth like the bright morning, My dear children of God, What does the bright morning represent? It represents the New-year. God desires to lift you up from the fallen state of your life. During the past years you had been pushed to the back. You were kept in the dark. But hereafter you shall be like a city situated on top of the mountain. You shall be seen by all the people of the world. You shall not be hidden anymore.. Isaiah 60:1 says, “Rise and shine for your light is come. ’’ The glory of God is risen upon you.” This new year, there’s going to be an end to all your tears and sorrowful life.
Secondly, your healing shall spring forth like bright morning light. Some of you are young widows struggling in your life and are crying saying that there is no one to care for you, God who gave another life for Ruth to build her family will rebuild your marriage life too. God will bring a Boaz in your life. It is not God’s will that you remain alone all the days of your life. “The virgin of Israel, you shall be rebuilt again.’’ says the Lord. My dear children, the life of your children will spring forth soon. Your business will spring forth. Your job or your ministry will all spring forth soon.
Thirdly the Lord says, your justice shall go before you. This means that in which ever area you had not received justice, God will show justice to you in this New –year. God will give or provide priority to justice, that is to be shown to you. Wherever injustice had been inflicted upon you there the Lord will show justice to you. You are saying that a particular case is prolonging for generation together and you want that case to be dealt soon and justice be granted to you or the verdict of the case must be favourable to you. “How long will I struggle for justice, is your question.” God has seen your struggle and he will bring the case to an end with a favourable verdict from the court this year. You have been a government servant but for various reason you had to face the court case. You think this case should come to an end, so that you can rejoin your service and gain some benefit before your retirement. God will make it to pass. Your hope will not be lost; there is surely an end to all your struggles.
Fourthly God says, the glory of God will follow you from behind and shall be your rearguard. You shall have a protected life. God wants to protect you and your children from the plague and all other diseases that causes death thus inflicts pain and horror in your life. I pray that those who have seen the beginning of this new year should be able to see the end of it also. God assures that He will be a rear guard to you and your children by sending the glory of God behind you as a source of protection. Rearguard means that He will be a backup behind your family. Ever guarding you and your family from behind. Hence be assured of God’s blessings in your life. Once again , wish you a very happy & prosperous New Year.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we have entered the New-year with much hope and enthusiasm, I pray that that my children would have an attitude to help the poor and needy people. Let them take a resolution that they would be of help to others. Help them to give up all unwanted and evil habits and ways of life. Help them to live a new life and then, Your light shall break forth, like the morning, light in their lives. You said that they will rise and shine. Help them to shine in their life. Reunite all broken families together. Remember all the young widows. And give them a new life as you gave Ruth another opportunity to lead a family life. Let all those who have no children be blessed with children. Open their wombs that they may conceive and beget children and produce generation. Help them to grow their children as good children and be a blessing to others. Give them job opportunities. Let their business spring forth speedily. May their ministry be blessed abundantly. Protect them from all harm and danger and from accidents. Keep them safe from natural disaster. Heal all the disease however dangerous it may be. Many are waiting with many expectation, Lord please fulfil all their desires. In Jesus Name we pray.