God will turn your captivity

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 27th. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this Auspicious Message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Jeremiah 33:26, “I will cause their captives to return, and will have mercy on them.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today God is directly giving you an assurance, or guarantee, that He will turn your captivity. He will not only turn your captivity, but He will show mercy to you. You have been waiting for a long period, for God to show you mercy. Now the time has come. The word of God says, “As He is merciful to you, He will lead you beside the still waters.” That means God is showing mercy to you and as a result, He will take you beside the still waters. The spring will cause you to live. It may be a change of heart, or transformation in your life. Or it may be a spring of securing a good income. It may be a spring of anointing. Or it could be a spring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some kind of spring, the word of God says, “Since He is merciful to you, He will lead you to the still waters.”

God says, I will return their glory and descend upon them, to be merciful to them and lead them to the spring of still waters. So we see that the Lord is showing you mercy today. He is going to open up a spring that will be beneficial to you. God sent a spring of water and revealed it to Hagar in the wilderness, so that she might quench the thirst of her son, who was almost dying of thirst. In the same manner, to provide the needs of your children God is opening a spring, in some nation abroad, in some city, or in some company, or in some family, or in some kind of ministry. But before doing that he will turn them out of their captivity. He will redeem them out of their bondages. Your children may be addicted to taking Ganja, or they may be slaves to some kind of addiction especially taking drugs or taking injections to be in a sense of dizziness. Or being in depression is also a kind of slavery. Or slavery to taking alcohol, or caught up in huge debts, or being in bondage due to Curse, or in the bondage of disease. God is going to redeem all the children in bunches, from all the bondages they are caught up in. I am seeing this in my spiritual eyes. God is embracing them and is celebrating, and He is going to gather them and lead them near a spring of waters. God is saying ok, live with the help of this spring. God will surely fulfill their ambitions, for I see it in my vision.

PRAYER : Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, we thank you for redeeming them from all their bondages. When the Lord turned the bondage of Zion, they seemed to be like watching dreams. Lord in the same manner I pray that all the children will experience deliverance as if they see dreams. Lord redeem them from all kinds of captivity. And from the bondage of debts. From the bondage of disease, from the bondage of sin, and slavery, the Lord delivers them, and causes them to rejoice. Not only deliver them but also lead them to a good spring and bless them a million times more.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

You Must Be Bold

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 26th, It is a great pleasure to meet you through thisAuspicious Message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Proverbs 28:1, “But the righteous are bold as a Lion.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, this verse says, that the righteous are bold as a lion. Among the animals, the Lion is the bravest animal. That is why the Lord is saying that you should be as bold as the Lion. When some children lose their boldness, or become timid then they become afraid. Fear sets in their life. The spirit of fear grips them as they lose courage. When they are afraid, then they will write the correct answer, wrongly. There will be confusion. But if you are bold then you will be able to do better without any confusion. Therefore you need to have the spirit of boldness. I pray and bless that you should have such a spirit of boldness in you. Do everything boldly. If you are afraid then you will never be able to do anything successfully.

When a child of God has the boldness, it reveals the faith that a man of God has in God Himself. This courage in the life of a man of God is a sign of his faith in the Lord. Faith determines the bravery of God’s children. He will never shy away so easily. He will not come without proving himself as a Child of God. All this is possible because the spirit of boldness is within him. so God will fill you with the spirit of boldness, and remove all cowardly nature from you. He will give you the boldness to wage wars, to do your business well, To face your creditors boldly, God will give you the grace for your children to do your ministry successfully. God will surely open the way and provide grace for your children to do well in life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. The Bible says that the righteous will be as bold as the Lion. As per this verse the Lord changes all the children as righteous people. And secondly may they carry out their task boldly. Thank you Lord for making them bold and for helping them to be successful. Lord because of cowardliness, they would have lost many good things. They would have given up certain things, At times, certain things may have gone out of their hands even without their knowledge because of timidity. Let them get back all that they have lost in abundance many times more than what they have lost.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God of grace

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 25th. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this Message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of 1 Peter. 5:10. “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, You who have been suffering for a short while, God is going to strengthen you, will himself restore, confirm, and establish you. God will rebuild your ruined life. God wants to change the things that have been the cause for ruining your character and behavior, God will establish your life that means, man should be like that. This is how one should live. We should not live like animals, you should not be like the animals who are hard-hearted. We should not behave like animals with others. God is counseling you with all such instructions. Some will say, “My husband beat me like an animal. “If my son comes he comes and stands like an animal. So they understand that the nature of an animal is brutal. That Is beating and biting.

So today if there are some members who behave like animals, God will restore and establish them. And if they are beating you like animals. God will change them and establish you. God will meet them today and grant them patience. and long suffering. Grant them the wisdom to deal with the problem properly to overcome your problems and harsh behavior. I will pray for a change to come into your life. If the life of your children have been destroyed or ruined due to sinful life or in indulging in vain and evil practice. And if one of you is smudging or swirling in the gutter like the pigs. God will pick you up and wash you with his precious blood. And clean you up. God will commit them into your hands, like changed men and women.

Secondly God will confirm and establish you. by the word of the Lord. God will give you a steady mind. Many will say, well my child does not have a steady mind. God will give his word and establish you. God will strengthen you in faith, in God and he will confirm you with his strength. Thirdly God will strengthen you. If your children are sick or if any member of your family has been attacked with disease God will send his word and strengthen them and heal them. God will fix up the ruined areas of the life of your children. And set them right. In case your husband has been vexed with you, God will strengthen him both spiritually and mentally. And he will give him words of wisdom, and he will honor him.

Finally God will establish you. If any child says, I have become completely ruined and destroyed. God will give you a permanent job, permanent income, Good spiritual life and establish you. God who establishes you, may give you a stable life, a stable income, a good spiritual life, the Lord will give you everything and will keep you and will establish you in the face of this earth.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray that you will establish all the children who are watching this program. Lord give them a steady mind. Confirm them, strengthen them. Undo all their weaknesses and strengthen them. Give them good health and good strength, deliver them from bondage of death. Establish them Oh Lord. Stabilize their ruined state of life. Stabilize their business which is ruined. Stabilize their education which has been destroyed. Stabilize their ministry which has been ruined and lift them up to the highest pinnacle of this earth and honor them. In Jesus Name We Pray.

Great Peace

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 24th. It is a great pleasure to meet you through thisAuspicious Message. May the Lord bless you. Ok let’s see what auspicious word the Lord has kept for you today. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 54:13, “ All your children should be taught by the Lord. And great shall be the peace of your children.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today the Lord says, hereafter you will not suffer which has spoiled their peace but today you will be delivered from this situation. What does the Lord tell you, in that verse, “All your children will be taught by the Lord. And great shall be the peace of your children.” And the peace of your children will be great because they will be taught of the Lord. So you should allow God to take care of your children, be taught by the Lord, and allow them to be guided by the lord. God must give you counseling. If you allow them to be led by the Lord then they will enjoy the peace of the Lord. You just allow them to be led by the Lord. Their future will be big, Then their future will be bright. God will make your head lifted up, before others. God will remove all your shame, and will not allow you to put your head down, instead he will lift up your head before others. God will give you the favor to walk with your head lifted up.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Let all the children of those who are watching this program be taught of the Lord. Let others see the great peace that they would enjoy in the coming days. May they be able to see the satisfaction in their life. Nimadhy I pray for them breaking all their barriers, and bondages. Let all the tribes and Gentiles say that God has done great things in their lives, and so they may see them rejoicing.
In Jesus Name We pray.

The Lord Made This Day

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 23rd. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this Auspicious Message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 118:24, “This Is The Day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, all the days which the Lord has made are good, and we must believe that every day is a good day. “This Is the Day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Today many children, instead of rejoicing in the Lord, are passing their days in a very sad manner. Who does not have problems in this world? God is looking at you and asking who does not have problems? God declared, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” So in this world we will have problems, but God says, “ I have overcome the world.so be of good cheer. ” So you must learn to rejoice each day. You ought to celebrate each day. So, what must we do? Is this possible? To celebrate each day, with such a low or poor standard of life. You can rejoice because if you believe that the Lord will take care then you can rejoice in the Lord.

So if you need to rejoice each day then you must take all things easily. Lightly and in a cheerful manner. Thank the Lord for everything God does for you. You need to have the faith that God, who has placed you in a difficult situation, is able to bring you out of this problem. The word of God says, “With You I can attack a barrier, and with my God I can leap over a wall. For by thee I run upon a troop; And by my God do I leap over a wall.” That Means it is true that you had thrown me into the wall. I know that you will redeem me from this situation. If you have this kind of faith then you wont get into depression. You won’t backslide if you have this sort of faith. So what you need to do is to have faith in the Lord no matter what happens in your life, For God counts all the hair in your head, He knows the number of hair that falls from your head. What you need to do is to commit yourself early in the morning, to the Lord and rejoice every day in the Lord, and thank Him. Say Lord Help this day to be a day of rejoicing for me. Then that day will be a happy day for you. God is going to perform miracles.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Every day has been made by the Lord. God expects that you rejoice in the Lord every day. Never spend the day in sorrow. This is what you have advised us to do. So help us not to follow in a sorrowful situation, But during this time I pray that you will send your word and heal us and lift us up. David says, “If it was not for your word,I would have perished a long time in sorrow. In the same manner, that we should not perish in sorrow, send your word that we may receive healing and rejoice every day. Do miracles and wonders for them. Grant them peace. I submit all the children before you. Provide them with all that they need.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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