August 23, 2022
Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of John 6:37, “Whoever comes to me, I will by no means cast out.”
Today, you may have trusted people and went to them expecting that they will help you, But they were always keen on pushing you down. Many do not like your growth. People gossip about you because of jealousy. They ruin your name. We are forced to live in such situations. We cannot do anything to them. However, we can do just one thing. If we come to God, He will not drive us away. The Lord will not allow man to drive you away because that is the safe zone. We are standing on the promises of the Lord. The Lord will not drive us away nor will He allow anyone to drive us away. No one can push us when we stand with the Lord.
Every day, we must tell the Lord that we are submitting ourselves and our families into the Lord’s hands. We must ask for His presence wherever we go and in what we do. Submitting to the Lord will protect you from failures. We should we think about harming others in their work or business. We should be looking unto the Lord Jesus and focus only about our lives, so that we become a blessing to ourselves and others around us.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Father, you have said that You will not drive away anyone who comes to you. It is a great blessing for us to lean on you, without trusting anyone else. That is a great protection for us too. We submit ourselves and our families into Your hands. All who have been chased away from their family or have been cast away by their loved ones. Lord please perform a miracle for them to reunite together once again. Let there be peace, happiness and advancement in their lives.
In Jesus Name, we pray.