June 14, 2024

You Shall Be Free - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 14th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Gospel according to St John.8:36, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, the Word of God says, if the son, Lord Jesus Christ makes you free then you shall be free indeed. Today some of you are saying, “I have no deliverance from my sin, I have no deliverance from my disease, or from my shameful life. There is no deliverance from all my failures, if you are crying over all these issues my dear children of God, This early morning God is assuring you with his auspicious word. No matter what kind of bondage you are all tied or bound with, God is going to release you from all bondages and grant you with divine deliverance, and therefore Jesus Christ is descending in the midst of You.

He is now present in your house. He is present in your business center, in your place of ministry, He is coming to untie the knot with which you are tied into. There was a man called Legion, who was possessed with many evil spirits. He was wounding himself and was lying in the graveyard. He failed to put on clothes. Today your child may be possessed with such an evil spirit. And may not be wearing proper clothes, on him, and may be hurting himself, with a knife or blade. And is cutting his hands, and maybe your child is saying that he is going to die, God is going to deliver your son from that bondage and is making it possible for him to live his life. When the Lord drove the evil spirit from the Legion, he came to his senses. The wisdom that was tied by the evil spirit, was released by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. After that we see that Legion who was hurting himself, He went to his own village called Decapolis, and he began to preach the gospel. This is the freedom or liberty given to him by the Son the Lord Jesus Christ. “That is real freedom. A perfect freedom.

Today in case the children are bound by mental disorder, or bound by witchcraft or by divination, or by black magic, All such children who are tied to some kind of evil spirit, God is saying that he is directly coming down and meeting each one to untie the knot that has bound them. God is saying that He is liberating you today. If the son frees you then you shall have real deliverance. As per this verse God will give you, perfect freedom. Freedom from your sinful life, If you are saying that you cannot liberate yourself from a particular sin, today God is releasing you from such kind of sin.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord you have said,, that if the Son Lord Jesus Christ frees you, then you shall surely be free. Lord, I pray that Jesus Christ will deliver all the children, and in the very place where they dwell, in their business center, or in the place of their ministry, or in their family, or in the place of their work, Come Lord Jesus. Lord you have said, “I am willing to deliver my son, my daughter. ” and we thank you for delivering them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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