September 21, 2023

You Can Do All Things - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 21st of September. It is a great pleasure to meet you all through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Let’s read Philippians 4:13, which says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

There are many of you who say, I don’t have the strength to do even a small job. I cannot carry or lift even this thing. I have no strength to lift it up. My hands have become weak. I have no strength to walk. No strength to breathe. Saying like this many of you are sitting very sick and weary over your helpless condition. And you are murmuring and lamenting over your situation. So in order to strengthen you, the word of God comes to you. saying “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Repeat this verse as a mark of faith in the Lord. Keep repeating this word so that you will be strengthened by the word of GOD. It will establish you, it will encourage you. This word will go inside of you and create healing in you. It will strengthen your weak and stumbling knees. It will strengthen your hands that have grown weak and weary. Your legs will be strengthened. What are you going to say? You should say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Strength to do everything. Strength to study. Grace to achieve victory. Strength to do your business, anointing to do your ministry. You need to express words of faith that you will be able to do all things. Today many children say only negative words. They are talking without faith. It shows their faithlessness in God. If You talk negatively then you will never witness anything glorious. You will not be able to see any progress in your life also. What does the word of God say, “If you believe you will see the glory of God. My dear daughter God is looking at you and saying this. Son God is looking at you and saying this. ”So if you believe you shall see the glory of God. If you want a miracle to happen in your life then you should believe in God. You need to confess words of faith. Though you don’t have strength, you just repeat these words saying “ I can do all things that strengthen you, then you will find an unknown strength in you, because God who looks at things that do not exist, as though they existed. Then you will receive as if it existed, when you praise God. Therefore from today there should not be any negative talk, or negative thought and pluck it out of your mind. Strengthen your faith in the Lord, Think by faith But as it is written, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”
Now what is the Strength of Christ? Or strengthened by Christ’s meaning? This means God who strengthens you. Today many of you think that if you eat this food it will give you strength, or if you take that food, you will be strengthened. Taking good food and being strengthened is not a matter or a problem. Some are saying, if you drink this wine you will be strong. If you eat this stuff you will be strengthened. You will get good health. Saying like this many of the children are taking the wrong food, for such kinds of children the Lord is directly rebuking You. My dear children of God, it will only cause weakness in you. When a drunkard goes to the doctor, he immediately asks whether he has the habit of drinking or smoking. Not to give you a certificate but if you have such habits, then he cannot write prescriptions with mild dosage, because you will not be healed. The poison will enter into your body and cause damage to your health. He has to give you strong or heavy dosage that is why the doctor is asking whether you have such habits.

It is not to find out whether you are a good or bad person. My dear children of God today many eat wrong food, such as drugs and brown sugar, and lose the strength that God has given you. You stand having lost your good health. For some of you who drink, your liver has been badly affected. So you are slowly dying. As you say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And as the Lord instructs, if you destroy or spoil your body with uncleanness. I tell you, don’t touch anything that destroys you. The person who drinks poison is similar to the one who drinks alcohol. Because the one who takes poison dies immediately, but the one who drinks dies gradually. Both are committing suicide. My dear children of God, the life that God has given to you, or the body which is the temple of God, that the Lord has given you, you have no right to spoil it. God says, if someone destroys your body then God will destroy your life. So what does that mean? That you have destroyed the temple of God which has been given to you by God. Therefore today make some good decisions, and stand firm in it, and take food that is good for your health. Eat the word of God more earnestly. As soon as you receive it, take it and eat it. Then the Lord will give you good strength, health and might.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who read this message. Lord by the strength of God and the power of His word, you have strengthened us to do all things. Lord, we confess that we have strength and good health in the name of Jesus. Lord for those who have no strength grant them sufficient strength, and for those who do not have might Lord grant them might, for those who say they do not have strength to lift anything, Lord give them the strength of the animals such as Rhino or the Unicorn. For those who say that they have no strength in their legs, give them the feet of the deer and honor them. Lord in case they suffer from sickness that leads to death, or if they suffer from a small disease, change all their diseases and do miracles for them. I bless all the children from the bottom of my heart.
In Jesus Name We pray.

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