November 22, 2023

You Are Greatly Beloved - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Nov.22nd. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of Daniel 9:23, “ At the beginning of your supplication, the command went out and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Daniel fasted for nearly 21 days and kept praying for the people . There appeared an angel Gabriel, all of a sudden and told him that God loved him all the more and therefore, The angel said, “ The moment you started praying from the very first day, God is sending you the reply for all your prayer requests. He is giving you commandments continuously. Whatever you are asking is happening. What you are praying for, is taking place one after another.” So through this, God is saying something very wonderful. A secret. What is that secret? If you should get all that you pray for or if you should get all that you ask for, and for the commands to come forth the moment you start praying, then you need to be the beloved of God. The angel of the Lord comes to Daniel and says, “ Daniel you are the Beloved of God.” The verse says, “ You are greatly Beloved. ”You are not simply beloved. But also greatly beloved.” What does this mean? It means, “ God loves you all the more.” So whatever you ask for you will surely get. This is the meaning of this verse, in our language. Though there were twelve children for Jacob, and he loved Joseph very much. So he made a coat of many colors and gave it to Joseph.

If God loves you very much then He will give you a coat of many colors. What does this coat of many colors represent? It represents the many blessings of the Lord. If Jacob could give his son a coat of many colors, because he loved him so much. How much more will the Lord give his children whom He loves. Just because the Lord loved Daniel very much, that is why the previous day, when Daniel, the cupbearer, who was taking wine for the king was made the district collector. He became the district collector of the entire Babylon, this is what happened to Daniel because God loved Him very much. Today many of you desire to become a collector, IPS Officer, you like to become a big business man, or a prominent minister of God, or a great scientist, You like to achieve great posts, great names and fame. Super. God will do it for you. Provided you should come in the list of those whom the Lord loves the best. God should include your name along with the list of Daniel. If you want the Lord to love you then you need to live a life that is pleasing to God. Only then the Lord will love you. So Lord for me to be the beloved child of God, what must I do Lord. Ask such a question to God. He will give you the right answer. Then whatever you ask or desire will happen in your life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you who looked at Daniel and said, “ For you are greatly Beloved.” In the same manner we wish that you refer to us also, as you said about Daniel. Teach us to learn to be acknowledged by You Lord. Help us to do that which is pleasing in your sight. Teach us to be like Daniel Oh Lord. May we satisfy You in every way, and help us to live a contented life. Lord, if you love us then you will give us whatever we ask for. You gave Daniel whatever He asked for. The verse says that you were sending everything from heaven all that Daniel asked for. Lord may be the children would have asked for something but still they would not have received an answer to their prayers. For those children I pray that God will grant from heaven all that they ask for, especially the skill to understand, without any partiality. Help them to receive all the good gifts from above and live a happy and content life on this earth.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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