August 8, 2022

WISDOM OF GOD - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ .   The auspicious life giving word of the Lord,  for  today  is  from  the  book  of  Proverbs 1:7, “The  Fear of the Lord   is  the  beginning of wisdom”.

Do   you ever   analyse as to what could be the reason for many of your failures, the answer would be because of  those things you had  done without wisdom. When we put the question ‘why’ to many of the reasons for failures, the answers will lead to things that were not done with wisdom. Things like, unwise foolish behaviour, talking foolishly, behaving   and    doing such things  by  which  we lose and degrade our good positions. If someone wants to live a successful life here on earth, be it, in business or at work or ministry, the most essential thing is wisdom. Money cannot buy wisdom, but the Lord will give it free of cost. The Bible says, “If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of the Lord who gives it in abundance”. This is a great blessing which many of you badly neglect. Many do not pray for wisdom. The Lord is telling that your house must be built on wisdom, that your business and ministry should be built on wisdom. Only then it   will be strong, blessed and permanent. 

So, what must one do to receive this wisdom, which is a blessing that will build your life? Wisdom is a blessing which will brighten up your life. The answer is to fear the Lord. “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. To put it in a simple way, is to “live pleasing to the Lord”. Fearing the Lord is to obey His word, His commands and Instructions. It is to obey the counsel He has given in His word. To regain what you have lost, you require wisdom. You have to ask the Lord who gives it in full. At the same time, repent and ask forgiveness from all of your mistakes and sins that you did wilfully. Submit yourselves to the Lord.  Then God will forgive you and perform   miracles in your life.

 Prayer.  Loving Lord, we thank you! You have told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Restore to your children who have lost work, business, house, name & fame which   they have lost without wisdom. Bless them with wisdom and understanding. Let their thoughts, speech and actions be wise. Please forgive their sins that they have committed without wisdom. May they live their lives in the fear of the Lord, obeying the word of God and living according to it . Lord   we thank you for hearing our prayers.  Bless them Lord with wisdom , knowledge and good understanding.

 In Jesus Name we pray.


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