January 21, 2019
Wait For His Time - Bro. T. Stephen
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you
all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I waited upon the Lord with
tears, the word that the Lord gave me to bless you is from the book of Luke
1:13,14 ‘But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your
prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you
are to call him John. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will
rejoice because of his birth’.
The Lord has an appointed place and time for each and every blessing.
Even if it takes time, He will do it. He is a God who will fulfill all
that He has spoken. Today, the Lord says ‘your request has been heard’.
Do not be troubled. The Lord has decided to fulfill all the desires of
your heart. He is going to give answers to all your pending prayer
requests. God is looking upon you and telling, ‘All your sorrows are going to turn into Joy’.
The Lord who blessed Elizabeth according to the desires of her heart
is faithful enough to fulfill your desires too. Are you dejected in life
because of the problems you face? Or are you worried that you do not
have a proper job? This is what the Lord says to you this day: “Take heart; do not be worried about anything for I have everything under control”. Rejoice in the Lord. He is all powerful to perform a miracle in your life.
God Bless You
Our Loving heavenly Father, I thank you for this blessed day. Lord,
You have said that You will not test them beyond their capacity. I
pray that You may perfect all that concerns your children in due time.
Father, may You grant all the desires of their heart. In Jesus Name we