November 4, 2024

True Light - Bro. T. Stephen

Beloved Children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God bless you. I am delighted to meet you all on the morning of November 4th through this auspicious message. May God bless you. Let us read John 1:9: “That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.”

It is God who lifts or exalts anyone. The light that comes from Jesus is the light that makes any man shine. That is the way He opens for us. The God who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” now opens a way for you to arise and shine. Many doors may have shut for you in your life, on this or that side. Today, the true Light which gives light to every man comes into you. The barriers are removed, and you will go and inherit what is rightfully yours. Perhaps the blessings that the Lord has for you are in secret places. In darkness, He will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron to give you treasures and wealth. For this, the God of light shines upon you. You will no longer be in despair or shame. He has removed your shame and reproach. The light which brightens you has come into you.

When the Bible talks about David, David continued to succeed in everything he did because the LORD was with him. Because the true light that made him shine was upon him, he who was a shepherd became a king. God will perform a miracle for you and will cause those who are behind to come forward.

Here is a testimony from Merlin:
In 2014, I was in my first year of BSc Computer Science. In the first semester, I failed in Maths. Despite several attempts, I could not pass the subject. In my fourth semester in 2015, I was still struggling with that subject. At this juncture, I was watching “Beloved’s Voice” on Angel TV. Bro Stephen gave the Lord’s message and prayed, saying, “Those who made several attempts and still faced failure, now you are in your last attempt; you who are depressed, the Lord is granting you victory. Do not fear.” Thus he prayed. Two days after the prayer, the results came, and I was successful in the subject that I had failed earlier. God heard Bro Stephen’s prayers and caused me to shine. The true Light which gives light to every man.

Beloved children of God, our God is a just God. Today, the Lord who can shine any man is giving light to you. He is rising within you.

Dear Lord, we thank You. Jesus, the true Light, the God who causes my children to shine, the one who exalts us, the God who lifts those in the ash heap to the mountain—Lord, we thank You. You lifted David who was hiding behind the sheep and made him King. Likewise, whoever is in a lowly state, low level, humiliated, or oppressed—exalt everyone and make them to be seated among kings. I commit my children to the hands of the God who can lift anyone. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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