December 29, 2023

Train Up Your Child - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, Dec.29th it is a great pleasure to meet you all through this auspicious message. May the Lord Bless you all. Take with me from the book of Proverbs, 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old, He will not depart from it.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters what does this mean “, Train up a child in the way he should go.” That means while the child is small, you must grow him in the ways of the Lord. You are responsible to have grown up your child in the fear of God. Only then even in his old age will he follow it. In our place there is a proverb, which says, “That which does not bend at the age of five will not bend at the age of fifty.” Only when you bend your child at the age of five and at the age of ten then at the age of fifty his body will give him the strength to bend. For some their neck will not turn, their back will not bend, So why this happens is because you have failed to bend them at the right time. That is why they freeze to do anything. God clearly says, Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old, He will not depart from it. In your family it may be your little daughter or son, teach them the word of the Lord and grow them. Let your life be a life of testimony before them. Even without teaching, on seeing your testimony of the good life that you lead, your children will grow to be better children. Never fail to condition your children. Be strict with them to some extent. The word of God says, “One who spares the rod, spoils the child.” You can correct your children. You can even beat them. Nothing to worry about. In case you think that you won’t beat them but with love you can help them to grow well, then no problem as long as you correct your walk in the ways of the Lord and to fear God. You should remain as a good testimony to them. This is very important. If you ask those children then they should be able to say that after God our parents are our role model. Let parents live a life that is pleasing to God and may the children follow their parents. God wants to speak with you through me, He says, Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old, He will not depart from it. The head of the family is like the watchman, he should take care of his wife and children. And keep a watch over the tower of his family. He is bound to do that. In case the father has failed to do that by keeping a watch over the tower of your family, That means you should have prayed for your children daily. We read in the Bible how Job prayed for his children individually and offered sacrifices on their behalf fearing that they would have committed any sin before God. God expects that you would be like such a responsible father as Job was.

Dear Children of God, having come to the very end of this year, your children should be children who would speak of you even in their old age. They should be children who would protect the good name of your family. It is your responsibility. Says the Lord. Commit yourself into the hands of the Lord as you have come to the end of this year. Prayer:Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. The Lord teaches the parents to bring up their children. Lord bring about a change in them so that they may hold a good testimony. The Lord teaches the parents from the Bible that they may teach their children. May the parents have the fear of the Lord in order that they may grow their children in the fear of the Lord. Lord, I anoint the parents to be responsible parents to grow their children in the fear of the Lord and they themselves should fear the Lord. Change their future to be a bright one. Lord for those parents who are afraid of the future of their children and are crying over it. I pray that their future may be a right one. Let their spiritual life also be changed to a bright one. Let them shine in the worldly aspect also. I bless them from the bottom of my heart. Let the children hold on to Jesus and walk in a way that pleases God. In Jesus Name We pray.

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