February 12, 2023

The power of your testimony - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today  is  from  the  book  of  Exodus 19:6, ‘And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy Nation’.

In many places in the Bible, the Lord has beautifully conveyed the relationship between the Lord and us. Today, what kind of bond do we share with the Lord? The Lord wants us to be a kingdom of priests who do His work. He expects us to do His holy duty. Today, you are with a lot of expectations and the Lord knows this. When we fulfil the Lord’s expectations, He will fulfil ours. That is the hope He has given us. If you seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will add everything else unto you. We must do the work of the priesthood. When we talk about the priesthood.  You may say, ‘I do not know to take the Bible and preach’ You shouldn’t think that preaching and teaching is the only work in the priesthood. Your testimonial actions will reveal the truth of God. Your testimonial life itself is a great ministry. There is a verse in the Bible, ‘By your testimonial walk, and without preaching, others will be saved’. The Lord is advising the wives, there is no need for you to talk to your husband through the Bible, but you will save your husband through your testimonial life. It means that you can do priesthood even without preaching, but through your life of testimony.

On the other hand, you can do priesthood, by doing good to others in the Bible, Jesus went about doing good to all. The most important work Jesus Christ did as part of his priesthood works on this earth was that Jesus  went about doing good to all. That is also a ministry. This is what the Lord expects from us too. Then the Lord will do what you expect from the Lord. Not only that, the other portion of this verse says, ‘a holy nation’. There can be only two groups of people in this world. That is a holy people and the other unholy people. This does not refer to tribes or nations, but our personal deeds. So, how must you be? You who worship the Holy God must be a holy nation. Today, the Lord is expecting certain changes from us. We see in the Bible  that Joshua said,  to  the people of Israel, ‘Sanctify yourselves today, tomorrow a miracle will happen’’. So the base for miracles is holiness. The Lord says, “ Be ye therefore perfect, even as your. Father which is in heaven is perfect. Holy  means to be sanctified, consecrated, and dedicated or to be separated from the world and worldliness. For it is written “Be Holy for I Am Holy.”  May the  Lord  help  you  to  be holy  and  perfect?

Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you for describing your children as a royal priesthood and a holy nation. Children, who have submitted themselves to doing your work according to your will, help them to do the work of a  priesthood and persevere for a holy life. Bless them to be established on this earth through this. When they do this for the kingdom of God and your righteousness, You have told that everything else will be added to them. May it be so in their lives and may they prosper both materially and spiritually.

In Jesus Name, we pray,


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