February 20, 2019

The Peace of God - Bro. T. Stephen

 My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that   God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of  Leviticus 26:6, ”  I will give peace in the land — and sword will not go through your land”.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,   From the above context we learn that, God cares for His people and promises that there would be no war in their land. Our God is a peace loving God. He is not the author of confusion but of peace. The sword of the enemy shall not prevail into your land and destroy the inhabitants of it. God says, “Do not fear them for the Lord your God is the one fighting for you”. The Lord your God will cause your enemies who rise  against you to be defeated before you. They shall come out against you in one way and flee before you in  seven  other  ways. It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory. But it was the right hand of God that saved them because He loved them.

My dear Brothers and Sisters God loves you too. He cares for you. He wishes to save you from all your problems, your difficulties and all your worries. So cast all your cares upon Him.  I wish to illustrate how a brother who was so poor and had nothing at all to mention,  came to meet me at the Anbarin Paathathil  Oru Naal Prayer Meeting and after I prayed for him how things turned in favour of him.

He said “ I heard that food is being supplied after the fasting prayer meeting. So I came here to have one good meal as I did not have any way for food.”’But the spiritual food that he received  in the prayer meeting was so good that  all his hunger, poverty and his hopeless situation vanished away even before the food was served after the meeting. He regained confidence and received life within him.

He held on to the words that I spoke and went back home. By the abundant grace of God  he got a good job, and now he is doing very well. He said, “I am   now earning  hand full. ”  Both he and His wife  began to call me Father , Father,  and they began to kiss my hands, they did not wish to leave me. He further said, I came to this meeting in search of the Lord, and the Lord has blessed us with great wealth.    Now I can lend money to many people to clear others debts. The Lord has blessed us with our own house.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters,  this is how God works miracles for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Today is your turn. God will not send sword to destroy you,  rather  He will honour you. The hands of the Lord will come upon you  boldly such that your hope in Him will not go in vain. The Bible says You will lie down and no one will make you afraid. Because no debtors will stand at the front of your  house. You will sleep in peace. A sword is used only when you fight with others. The sword   represents  all kinds of weapons used in the warfare. Such weapons  will  never again   pass through you , but the Lord will bring an end to the use of all these weapons. When God sets His eyes upon you then your financial problems will change and your business will flourish. The Lord will fight for you and you will remain still.  You will sleep well in your homes and there will be peace within your walls.  You shall know that your tent is in peace. You shall visit your habitation and find nothing amiss. 

God bless you. 


Our loving  heavenly Father,  we thank  You for this blessed day.  Thank you Lord for your hand of protection that constantly   protects us from  all danger and harm. We pray that you would bring an end to all the weapons of warfare that trouble us at times . Help us to sleep in peace and not be afraid of our enemies. May we lend and not borrow from others. Teach us to gain confidence in You and live a life of peace and harmony. In Jesus name we pray.


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