January 29, 2023

The Lord Works for Good - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour   Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of  Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”.

My dear children of God, all that was evil to you until yesterday, will be turned into good for you in the coming days.  God is the One who does good things for us. Two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ came down to earth and went about doing good to all the people on the earth. Today, the Lord will come down to do good for you.

Do you know when He will come to you? He will come when you love the Lord. How can we love the Lord? How can we show love to Him who is in Heaven? Showing your love to your friends, relatives, brothers, sisters, and colleagues is showing love to God. The Lord will sometimes come to us in the form of human beings.  There is a verse in the Bible that says, “I asked for food, but you did not give me. I had no clothing; you did not give me either. I was in jail, but you did not come to see me.” Many times, the Lord came to us in the form of a human being and went out with disappointment. From this day onwards, we shouldn’t disappoint the Lord. The Bible says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” and it is also said that “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

When you show love to all the people like showing love to the Lord, the Lord will watch that and do good to you. Today, there is good news for you who have experienced a lot of evil and torment. If you carry the Lord in your hearts and go out, Jesus who does good, perform many good things through you, to all the people, whom you come across, there is nothing for us to take away from this world. We did not bring anything when we came nor or we going to take back anything. Do good to everyone as long as you live. Then, the Lord will do good to us.

We do not expect evil from others instead we expect good, don’t we? When we expect good from others then we too must do good for others. We must do to others what we expect them to do for us. They too will expect the same from us. When you do this, the Lord who does good will perform a lot of good things in your house. God will break all the hindrances and you will receive double-fold blessings. So be cheerful always. Love the Lord for who He is. He is the sovereign God and knows all that you need to receive from Him.

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we realize that everything happens for good to those who love the Lord.  We thank you for teaching us how to love you. Lord, bless my children, let all the things turn out for the good of my children when they love others and do good to them. I praise you for changing all the evil that they faced until yesterday to be tuned for good. Meet all their needs and keep them happy since they belong to You.

In Jesus Name we pray,


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