June 29, 2023

The Lord Will Remove Sickness - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Deuteronomy 7:15, “And the Lord will take away from you all sickness.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God will uproot all the sickness from you. This morning many of you have got up from your sleep but you feel as if you are so tired, and feel like sleeping again. You feel sick. You are not able to sit up for a while. Your body seems to suffer from pain. You are unable to walk.. You say, “There is so much work to be done today, I need to complete everything by today but physically I am sick and not able to do anything. I have no strength. How will I go to the hospital? How will I attend the interview? I have got a good opportunity, while I am sick. It is a blockade for me to go out today. “So many of you are sitting thinking about the weakness in your body. God is saying that the Lord will take away from you all the sickness. He is powerful to heal all your diseases. 2000 years ago, Jesus was speaking in a cottage meeting in a house. The Bible says, while he was preaching, the power of healing descended upon the people. Today as you are reading this message there is going to be deliverance from your sickness.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lord healed the woman who came after him and touched the hem of his garment, from the issue of blood, because of her faith. Today God is going to heal all your diseases, it may be a plague, or disease unto death. It may be cancer disease, TB disease, or some other disease, or it may be sickness due to the big sin that you have committed. Disease unto death. Today God is going to change all your disease and show you mercy. All that you need to do is only one thing. Call upon the name of the Lord who is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals. Tell the Lord, “ Lord, in case my sin and sinful life is the cause for this disease that I am suffering from, please forgive me O Lord.” Then God will do great things in life. One day a young girl suffering from an issue of blood, came along with her mother for prayer. The mother told me that her daughter was suffering from this illness for a very long time and had gone into depression. She is suffering from mental distress. She is not able to go to job, or attend any function. It seems she would often say, “ Mother it would be better for me to die. She keeps speaking like this every day. I really can’t bear to see her suffering, or hear her speaking like this.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The mother shared with me with much sorrow and with tears in her eyes. The young girl also came to me, with the thought that no good thing will ever happen in her life. So she was very dejected and disappointed in life. But the Lord in order to comfort them said only one word, “ I will not bring on you any of the diseases, which I brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you. I will remove all the disease from you. “By the blessings of God from that month onwards the issue of blood stopped. God brought an end to her problem. God gave her a new uterus. She reported that she does not know when the days of her period take place and when it stops. She feels very comfortable and confident about herself. She wonders how this great change took place. And she shared her testimony. Today it is your turn day. God will remove all your sickness from your body and also heal you of all your disease.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord, I pray for all those who suffer from the issue of blood. May all the diseases concerned with uterus and conception be cured or healed in the name of Jesus. Lord open the womb of those whose womb has been closed for various reasons. Give them the gift of begetting children and bless them. Whatever sickness they suffer from, may be Diabetes, Thyroid, Blood Pressure all the sickness be healed in the name of Jesus. Thank You for bringing an end to all these diseases. Lord, in case there are children suffering from fibroid, and cyst, and boils, in their uterus, Lord I pray that you will uproot all the boils from their body and heal them completely. Grant them divine healing. Lord heal all the disease, plagues and other diseases unto death, which has affected your children. Particularly those diseases for which medicine has not been found as of now or until today. I pray that the Lord Jehovah Rapha who causes healing, heals all the diseases that the children are suffering from. May the Lord heal all of them by placing His wounded hands upon them and heal them. Those who are suffering from skin disease, and psoriasis, may the Lord grant instant healing to them. Some of them have become paralyzed, and are suffering from neck pain, knee pain, back pain, bone problem, may they receive instant healing in the name of Jesus. Some of them are crying, saying that they are unable to get married because they are suffering from a nervous system. Lord, I pray that they receive healing in their nervous system. And cause them to be eligible, and help them to enjoy their family life. Let them receive clear sight, and for those of them who have lost hearing capacity, begin to hear clearly. Lord heal all the diseases concerned with their stomach. Especially with regards to digestion problems. I thank You Lord for renewing all the damaged organs in their body. Thank You , Thank You. Grant them a long life and take care of them. In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen.

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