May 8, 2020

The Lord will Lift You Up. - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the  book of  Genesis 22:12   “For  now I know, that you fear God,   Since  you have not with held, your son, your only son, from Me. “

From the above context we learn that Abraham who was known as the friend of God, was childless and he was waiting patiently for the gift of a child. God had promised him that he would make   him a great nation ,and that He would l bless Him and make his name great.  So Abraham waited on the Lord patiently. Now both Abraham  and Sarah were old, well advanced in age, and Sarah, had passed, the age of child bearing.  But  as  the  Lord  had  promised Abraham,  Sarah  bore to him a son and he called him Isaac. So the child grew up and was so dear to Abraham as he was the son  of his old age. 

But a day came when God wanted to test the faith of Abraham. So God called Abraham and asked him to sacrifice his only begotten son Isaac at Mount  Moriah. So in obedience to God he took two of his men and Isaac and saddled his donkey took some wood and went to the place of which God had told him. So Abraham built an altar and laid his precious son on the altar, and stretched out his knife to slay his son, when God intervened, and stopped him from sacrificing his beloved son on the altar. 

The Angel of the Lord, called Abraham from heaven, and said. “Do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him, for  now I know, that you fear God,   Since  you have not withheld, your son, your only son, from Me. “So we see that Abraham revealed his fear for God by his implicit obedience. The Lord therefore blessed Abraham with flocks, herds, cattle, riches, wealth, men servants, maid servants, and multiplied him abundantly. He also blessed him with gold, silver, camels and donkeys. God made him  the  most   wealthiest  man upon this earth, because he feared God. When God called  him and asked him to get out of his country, from his family and his father’s house to a land that God would show, he obeyed God without questioning or doubting God. And so he was blessed. 

Mary the mother of Jesus, and Jesus himself are characters who proved to be obedient, and humble in nature. Therefore God lifted them up. Mary had the quality of humbleness. When the Angel of the Lord came to her with the good news, and said to her, “And behold you will  conceive  in your womb and bring forth a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.”She humbled herself and replied, Behold the maid servant of the Lord, Let it be to me according to your word.”Here she obeyed the word of the Angel Gabriel. So she was  known as the “ Highly favoured, Most Blessed among Woman.”God honoured her. God honoured Jesus,  since He humbled himself to the very  cross and therefore God exalted him by seating Him at the right hand of God the Father.  

Every action of yours should reveal your humbleness. You need to respect the feelings of others. Respect the feelings of even those who are of low status.  It may be your own husband or your wife. You need to respect even the feelings of your grown up children. Some wives may be more learned, more qualified, may be holding high  post in the office, yet you need to be humble yourself, before your husband. Likewise many husbands too are so proud of your position that you fail to respect your wives. You need to repent of your wrong doings today. God says, “ That you Love  one another as,  I have loved you.” You  need to exercise  Godly love all the days of your life.  Only then God will be pleased with you.  These two characteristics, are   important to attain  name, fame and wealth in life. May God help you to acquire these good qualities  in your life that you may be blessed like Abraham  or Mary the Mother of Jesus. God bless you. 

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for teaching us through this message that we ought to fear God and obey  His word. Help us to avoid all wrong doings and   reconcile with God each day of our life.  Lord may we be like Abraham who was a man of great faith and  like Mary who obeyed the voice of the Angel of God. Lord teach us to respect the feelings of others   irrespective of their status. Bless us Lord according to our good nature.  

 In Jesus name we pray. 


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