July 20, 2022


My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today  is  from  the  book  of  Psalm 146:8, ‘The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down’.

Who are those who are bowed down? They are the downtrodden, the poor and the needy.   They are those who have been pushed apart from others. The Lord lifts up the outcast. Many of you are hurt because others pushed you down and kept you as an outcast and degraded you. Children of God, those of you  who are disheartened   by  thinking so,    today  the Lord is going to lift you before them. That is the miracle the Lord is going to perform for you today.   Do not worry. The Lord  will lift you up before all those who  cast you out, and degraded you. They will watch your uplift ment , saying, how did he advance so fast? How did his life get settled? They may think that you would have been destroyed by depression or by  debts or any other  problem, but the Lord will perform miracles such that everyone will look at you with amazement So, do not be worried about who degrades you. There is a Lord who will lift you up. 

We must encourage each other to do the right things. This encouragement will change unbelief and will grow the faith of others.  Do not discourage anyone, but inspire and encourage them. The Lord has told that even if we have faith as small   as the   mustard seed and tell a mountain to move from here to there, it will be done so. You must tell words that instil faith in others. So, today, the Lord is telling that He is lifting you who were downtrodden, outcast by all and discouraged. The Lord will lift your business, your ministry your profession, and your family as such.   The Lord will lift you in your workplace. The Lord lifted Daniel up   to a high position in Babylon.  Such is   the nature of our   Lord, who will also lift you up. The Lord performs wonders and miracles. It is your turn. Instead of being discouraged,   increase your faith in God.  Then you will praise the name   of the Lord for exalting you. 

Prayer:  Loving Lord, we thank you! Lord, you said that you will lift up those who are bowed down’. Let this auspicious word personally speak to each person. Lift your children who are downtrodden and discouraged. Though David was despised by his own brothers, You lifted him up to become King over Israel. Bless your children with such   rewards   and lift them up Lord. Lift up those who have failed in their business or in their profession, Lift up those who have fallen in sin. May your children understand that you are with them and You are there to lift them up.

In  Jesus  Name we pray,


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