July 11, 2023

The Lord Will Keep You - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God for today is taken from the book of Numbers 6 :24 “The Lord Bless you and keep you.”

The Lord is going to give you two blessings Firstly God will bless you; secondly God will keep you or protect you. In many of the families, because of the curse, in the family all the works of their hands end up in failure. Many of you are toiling very much. You are suffering much. So you are saying, “Lord though I am working so hard yet I haven’t got the benefit of it. In spite of my hard work, I have gained only loss. It is a long time since I harvested any profit. Saying in this manner, many of the children are so worried. Some children are saying that at a particular age the curse of the family is destroying everyone in the family. Some kind of curse is attacking or chasing the children and their children not able to see any blessing. We are longing for the blessing. But everything is happening against us. Things are happening opposite to us. Nothing is in favor of us. Neither men are in favor of us nor is nature in favor of us. Are you crying in this manner? That day Isaac sowed seeds during the famine, since God was in favor of him and though nature was unfavorable, he reaped a hundred fold and he became great and became a very rich and wealthy man and he was blessed very much.

I pray that the Lord bless you with that kind of blessing which Isaac enjoyed, and God will remove all the curse from your family. All that you need to do is just one thing. Tell the Lord, “ Lord You had, died for us on the cross, You have given your life for us on the cross, Lord you have paid all our curse upon the cross for us, should we carry the curse any further ? We should not carry the curse any more. You have crushed all our curse on the cross, You have nailed all our curse upon the tree, just tell the Lord in this manner, then all your curse will be removed from you and you shall attain blessings immediately. God will bless you. So you will receive a job that adds blessings, you shall receive the blessings of a child, you will be blessed with a good life partner. You shall be blessed with spiritual gifts. God will provide you everything and bless you. To preserve these blessings and enjoy the same you need protection for your blessings. The devil should not snatch your blessings that God provides for you. That is why the Lord is saying that He will keep you. A special protection is being placed upon your children. Some parents are thinking, in spite of saying not to buy the bike your son has purchased it by persuading adamantly. Lord my son should not be in any trouble and he needs protection. Many of you are thinking in this manner, aren’t you? The Lord will sprinkle his precious blood upon the bike and will give your children a divine protection. They will be blessed in their going out and in their coming in. May God grant you a peaceful life.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you. Lord I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message, Lord I request you to change their curse into a blessing. And I confess on behalf of all the children that you died on the cross and have nailed all our curse upon the cross. Therefore crush every form of curse in the family, and may a great blessing rest among them. As a result may all the loss and death change, let all their debts change, may all their failures change, let a divine light shine upon their family. Let there be no interference of the Devil, nothing should touch them in any way. I place them in the fort of blood, and may they be covered with your blood as shield of protection.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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