August 16, 2020

The Lord will help you. - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Isaiah 50: 7, “For the Lord God will help me. Therefore I will not be disgraced. Therefore I have set my face like a flint.  And I know that I will not be ashamed.”

God did as He promised to do, for His son Jesus.   For He is the true God, and has all divine perfections in Him; He is equal to his Father in power, as well as in glory.  Jesus as man, expresses His strong faith and confidence in God.  But he was made strong by God the Father. Even Jesus needed help and assistance while he was on this earth from God the Father. Hence He boldly says, therefore I shall  not be put to shame. He   further says,  I  have  set my face like a flint  or as a  strong  stone, And this made Him all the more  hardened against all opposition; resolute and undaunted; constant and unmoved by the words and blows of men; He was not dismayed at his enemies, though they came to him as a thief, with swords and staves; to get hold of him to be crucified.  So He says, “And I know that I shall not be ashamed,  neither of his ministry, nor of his miracles,  nor of his obedience, which was pure, and perfect, and pleasing to God; nor of his sufferings, which were for the sake of his people;  he was not frustrated nor disappointed of his end.

From the above context we understand that our God will not put His children to shame. God will help you and so you will not be disgraced, before other people. God made a beautiful garden called garden of Eden and put Adam into it. There were all kinds of plants, herbs, and creepers. There were many animals and birds both male and female. But God found that  Adam was alone. So He thought that man should not be alone. Therefore he took a rib from out of his body while he was fast asleep and created a perfect match for him and called her Eve. He gave her to Adam to be his wife. God stood as a strong support in the garden for them.  He visited them at noon time and  spoke to them.

Just as God, stood as a strong support for both Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, He has come down in a marvellous manner to stand as a support to you and your children. For God is mindful and cares for you.  He wants to help you in your life so that you will not be put to shame.  Today you are reading this message hoping that God will help you and will never put you to shame.  Doctors might have told you, “ Look there is no chance for you to give birth to a child.”They might have even told you to adopt a child or even suggested many other methods. But Our Lord will perform supernatural miracles for you.  Such is the nature and greatness of our God.     

We read in the Bible  about   Hannah who  faced  much sorrow on that day. Everyone looked at her in disgrace.   But God thought that she had suffered enough and did not wish that she should be put to shame any further so he descended upon her and blessed her with a male child called  Samuel, who later became the Prophet of Israel. Thus God honoured the  faith of  Hannah and made her a happy mother. God who performed a miracle for Hannah and made her a home maker, will also perform a miracle to you in your life.  Hereafter God will stand in favour of you and support you in such a way, that you shall never be put to shame. He is your refuge and strength, A very present help in times of trouble.  May You learn to trust in the Lord who is your help and your shield.  May your heart be steadfast trusting in the Lord. God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for standing with us as a strong support and for helping us in times of trouble. Lord we uphold Your name for You will never put us to shame. May we rely on You and not grow weary. Teach us to put our trust on You.

In Jesus name we pray.



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