December 16, 2023

The Lord Will Fight For You - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, Dec.16th. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home early in the morning through this auspicious message. May the Lord Bless you all. Take with me from the book of 2 Chronicles. 20:17, “You will not need to fight in this battle, position yourself. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. who is with you.

MY Dear Brothers and Sisters, The war you wage is not yours. You are fighting against someone. It can be the place of your work. Or it may be the place of your ministry. Or it can be in your study center. Or people in your neighborhood. Somebody is ready to wage war with you. You think that it is highly impossible for you to fight against them as you are not that smart or equal to them to face the fight. Your mind does not permit you to fight against them. You feel rather uneasy to fight against them. So you are sitting really confused in your mind about the behavior of your foe. But today the Lord is saying, You need not to fight in this battle, Just submit your foe in the hands of the Lord. And God tells you, “I will fight for you.” I am the person who causes the war against you. So if you work against God then you will have to face the enmity of God. If you talk back against them then you need to face them. So if someone does something against you or talks against you. then your silence will be an act of wisdom before God. And at the same time it would be on par with the word of God. your opponents enmity and anger too.

God says, You don’t fight. In case you fight, what is it going to do? The problem will only become great and will not come to an end that easily. It will go into argument and the problem will only become big. So you don’t fight, for this war is the Lords. You just stand still and see the salvation of the Lord or see how the Lord will fight for you. My dear children of God in case someone talks ill or bad about you, or have they spoken anything wrong about you. Then you never try to fight against them. That is not your work. Be calm, don’t stand against them. This is what God expects of you to do. If you stand against them there will be no difference between them and you. If someone is pulling you purposely into trouble Or is someone purposely speaking ill of you. or is someone trying to do black magic and divination against you ? Are they doing sorcery against you? Tell the Lord, “ Dear Lord such things are happening against me. You would have come to know about it somehow. Lord You help me. ”Saying like this submit your problem into the hands of the Lord. You will silently stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, and you shall rejoice in the Lord. Then what will happen? It will become a matter without enmity. Then we will not become the enemy of another. There will not be enmity. There will not be any displeasure. There will not be any fight between you and them. There will be no argument. When there is no argument then we can very well know that there is blessing. When Isaac dug wells the people in Gerar simply argued with him Unnecessarily. He let go of it. Those who let go will never be troubled. If you let go of your grievance against your foes, then there will be victory. Try to adjust with the members of your family by letting go of unpleasant things, then there will be peace and harmony. You will get victory.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord, there are different types of people trying to fight against all the children of God. Let them not fight against those people, but we keep all the problems and the cases at Your feet Lord. And we pray for it. Lord You handle our cases and our problems. Lord give victory in that particular problem. As you have said Lord “ You stand still and see the salvation of God.”Help them to see the victory. Help them to see the deliverance. Lord let them see the victory, the deliverance and the redemption, for this is not a day of failure. But a day of victory. This day is not a day of shame. But let it be a day of joy and happiness. Lord let it be a day of honor. We pray and bless the children that it will be a day of joy and peace. Let them realize that the war belongs to the Lord. Lord you said that you will fight and contend with those who contend with us. You said that you will turn all things in favor of us. Let all quarrels that are within the family come to end. May God provide deliverance and peace to them. May all their needs be met according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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