January 2, 2023

The Lord will be your everlasting light.           - Bro. T. Stephen

Isaiah 60:19, “The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory”. 

Dearly Beloved,  I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Isaiah 60:19, “The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory”. 

In this verse, we see that the Lord has given us a guiding light. It means that the Lord will be your everlasting light. If you want to see the brightness in your life, in your future, in your job, business or anything else, it is only the Lord who can give that. The Lord is your everlasting light, and your God is the One who does glorious things. In the beginning God said, “Let there be light”. The Lord spoke these words when there was only darkness. It was the Lord’s desire and will, that darkness should not be found anywhere.   When the Lord said, “Let there be light”, great light spread across this earth. Even now, the Lord is introducing the words’ Let there be light” to you. There will be a great light in your life, in your ministry and other matters. 

The Bible says, “The people in the darkness saw a great light”. It was said at the time of the birth of Lord Jesus. It refers us to the Lord who brings us out of darkness to His Marvellous   light. A great light is shining upon you today. Darkness will cover the earth and great darkness will cover the people, but in spite of that, the Lord will shine upon you. His glory will dwell with you and will perform glorious things. When the Lord’s light falls upon you, you will not do ordinary things but glorious things. The Lord has decided to perform great things through you  since you  lamented that you could not do even a little thing by your own strength.   He has decided to entrust you with great responsibilities, with great works, ministry and business. The reason is that the Lord’s light is shining on you.

The Lord will be your everlasting light. Some say that they will see a breakthrough only if they remain   in the sight of the Lord.   The Lord is putting His light on those children who are saying so. The Lord will be your everlasting light. Therefore, you who were crying in the dark will see the light. The Lord’s light is shining on those who are depressed and dejected. Come into the light of the Lord. This light will give you a bright future. Your God will be your  glory. In some families you may say that you have faced  famine,  destruction, losses and failures continuously, but good and joyous events will  happen   in your homes in the coming days.  The King of glory will do glorious things in your lives. 

PRAYER:   Loving Lord, we thank you! Thank you, Lord, for the blessings which says that the Lord will be our everlasting light and glory. Let your children see the light. May they come out of every darkness and dark situation and see the light of the Lord. In the beginning you declared, “Let there be light’, even today tell your children, that  there will  be light in their  life’ . Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings you are going to give your children. Let your glory shine upon their   lives.

In Jesus Name we pray,


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