November 23, 2022

The Lord will be a Shelter - Bro. T. Stephen

Joel 3:16, “But the Lord will   be  a  shelter for his people, And the strength of the children of Israel.”

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The   auspicious word of God that comes to you is taken from the book of Joel 3:16, “But the Lord will   be  a  shelter for his people, And the strength of the children of Israel.”

My dear children, The Lord promises to go before you and straighten all that is crooked, but for that, we need to learn to depend upon Him and trust Him with our future. The moment you tell the Lord, that you desire to be His child and submit your life to be obedient to Him.  He will take complete control of your life. Therefore, you need not worry.  It is very important that we learn to trust the Lord with our whole heart which means to completely and wholeheartedly trust that His power and sovereignty will meet all our needs. This is a type of child-like trust in believing that our heavenly father will provide all our needs. We should never lean on our understanding but in all our ways learn to acknowledge Him, then surely God will direct our paths and lead us in a blessed way.

My dear children of God, the Lord assures you today that God will be a shelter to you and your family. He will not only be a shelter but also be your strength, as you are the chosen children of Israel. Today as you commit your lives to Him, He is receiving you as His children. God is giving you a special blessing, by acknowledging you as His precious children. He will accompany you wherever you go.  He will be a shelter to you and a fortress to protect you from all danger and harm in the places you go to. He will destroy all the weapons formed against you. The sorcery and witchcraft formed against you will be completely destroyed by God because you are precious in his sight so, do not fear. The Lord will lead you and your family. He will form you and make you bold; make you walk on a new path with a bright future.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “But the Lord will be a  shelter for his people, And the strength of the children of Israel”. Dear Lord, I pray that there should be no barriers in the life of my children in moving forward in their life. Let them live joyfully as their soul prospers. Let them make an increase from the East and West and multiply in their strength and number. Destroy all the works of the evil one and every form of witchcraft and sorcery. Let miracles happen in their life such that they may proclaim all good things that happened in their lives as testimonies to others.

In Jesus Name We Pray


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