December 18, 2021

The Lord Rewards The Humble - Bro. T. Stephen

My   Dear   Brother  and  Sister in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given   for you today is from the book of Proverbs 22:4, “By humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches and honour and life.”

My Dear Brother and Sister, From the above context we learn that humility and the fear of the Lord, brings riches, honour and life  to   a person.   If you have these good qualities in you, then surely you shall be rewarded, the three gifts of God. The reward for humility, and the fear of the Lord, is riches, honour, and life. You will receive great respect, if you have these qualities. The Lord  will  bless  you with a well settled life.  He   will  not only settle you,  but the life  of your children as well. God will give you a bright future.  All of you reading this message must be longing to have all these blessings. Is it not? No one will refuse to be blessed with such great blessing. We all  long to be rich , wealthy, popular, and respected in the society.  We would never like to be put to shame.  We need a good name and fame, to live in a dignified manner. 

My Dear Brother And Sister, May be you are thinking that it is enough if the Lord settles the lives of your children. There cannot be any one, reading this message, who do not desire all the above mentioned   rewards of God. Today the Lord is going to give you these blessings, in addition to other blessings.  But God is willing to reward you provided, you adhere to one of his conditions. It is an agreement  between God and  you. The Lord is prepared to give you honour respect, riches and wealth  and high position in the society but you need to agree to his   condition.  Namely   humbleness  in character.  God is expecting good qualities in you.   God expects you to fear Him, to humble yourself and not be proud about anything. The Bible says, They that humble themselves shall be exalted.  God will bring about the changes that you are expecting to happen in your life. I tell you that in the midst of this terrible disease God has kept you and me alive,  then God has great plans for you. This is the sign of His tender love, mercy and grace that He has bestowed upon you.

My Dear Brother And Sister,   Corona did not carry away people one by one  but in clusters.  We were not even able to see them being buried. That was the state   of   our  life.   Yet it is amazing to see that God   has preserved our lives that we may walk in the ways of God. He has remembered  both you and me  and  He has added one more year of grace to us  to  Obey  His word,  fear Him and magnify  His name by being humble before Him. He does   not   demand something that you cannot do or give to God. He wants your heart,  just humbleness in character. Can you obey his condition ?  Will you please Him in every way?  Then he will meet all your needs according to  His riches, in Christ Jesus. For He who trusts in the Lord will prosper. Then you will have plenty to eat, until you are full. And you will praise the name of the Lord, who has not put you to shame, but  has kept you alive. God Bless you. 

Prayer : Our Loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we are grateful to you for  keeping us alive  in spite of the terrible disease.  Lord teach us to be humble in Character.  We agree with your condition. So reward us with riches, honour and respect in the society.

In Jesus  Name We Pray.


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