June 17, 2023

The Lord Is Merciful - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Psalms 130:7, “For with the Lord, there is mercy. And with Him is abundant redemption. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, there is mercy and abundant redemption with the Lord. Many of you getting up in the morning are thinking, “What eligibility do I have to possess this blessing. I don’t think I have any eligibility, so I don’t think I will get it.” Or you might be saying, “I don’t have any eligibility to sit in this Government post. Therefore I won’t get a government job.” So you are condemning yourself by saying that you are not eligible. “I am not eligible for this and I am not fit for that.” And so you have not been selected. And you are sitting with much sorrow and you are worried too, thinking about your condition. But God is assuring you with His word by saying that for those who are not eligible, God is giving you a Gift, called His Mercy. God is giving you the blessing called Mercy to one who has no eligibility to make you eligible to obtain God’s blessing.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters so based on this blessing called Mercy, God makes you who are unfit to obtain a particular blessing. That day the angel met Mary and said, “Highly favored one, The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women.” The Angel spoke to her saying, You are highly favored because you are going to conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son who will be the savior of this world. For the savior of the whole universe, to be born in the womb of a woman, requires favor from God. What did the angel tell Mary, “Highly favored one, blessed are you among women.” That means, “Mary, because of God’s mercy you have received the favor of God to beget the Savior of the world.” That Grace or Mercy is the quality of God that was granted to Mary to conceive and bring forth Jesus the Savior of the world. Today that grace is going to offer some great blessing for you. In case you are thinking about all your education qualification, or your eligibility, your credibility, and think that you are unworthy then, the word of God says, His grace is new every morning. So today you ask the Lord, to give you that job by his grace. Lord grant me by your grace the gift of a child. Lord grant me a house of my own by your grace. Today you call upon God as a God of grace, He will surely perform a miracle for you.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Sometimes we think we have no money. But you say, “I desire to have a house of my own.” It is a faith that God will give what you desire. And later if you ask them, it would be surprising to know how they got a house of their own. They would finally say, “We really don’t know how we got a house of our own. “ This is the work of God and it would be marvelous to our eyes, it is there that God’s grace would be found. At times we would ask God to give us something by His grace. You know for sure that you can’t get it. But you would say, “Lord if it is your grace please grant it to us.” Lord if you desire then by your grace we know that we can get it. This is what we might say. So in case if you think that you never got this or you never got that, based on God’s grace you shall receive all that you desire. How many of you will believe that God will do it for you. Yes, God will do it. Secondly the verse says, that not only does God have grace and mercy, but he has abundant redemption or Salvation. So in case if someone in your family has not received salvation then God will intervene and grant them salvation by His grace. Surely the Lord will redeem the members of your family. One member of your family will be saved and later through him all the members of your family will be saved. According to the verse which says, if you believe in the Lord you and your household will be saved. Keeping this verse you believe and pray then God will do great things in your life.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord I pray for all the children who read this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you have come into the house of your children with grace and mercy in your hands. I thank you Lord for making them eligible though they are unfit to receive the blessing. In case your children have lost their government seat by losing one or two mark, be gracious to them and grant them the grace mark they require, to obtain the government job, to receive the order for the admission of college, and help them to obtain a seat, and honor them. May be the Doctors would have said that they could not beget any children. But I pray that you will be gracious to them and grant them the ability to conceive and bring forth children by your grace. In case there are children who are waiting to be blessed with marriage life, but they do not have any qualification such as beauty or color, or education or job security or riches and wealth yet because of your grace, I pray that you will grant to them the best life partner more than their expectation. Honor them and help them to secure their own house. We cover their entire family with the robe of salvation. May an extraordinary miracle happen in their life. In Jesus Name We Pray.

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