November 5, 2023

The Lord Is Good - Bro. T. Stephen

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, November 5th, through this daily Auspicious Message. You are eagerly waiting for the Mangala Vaarthai from the Lord today, let us read Nahum 1:7 “The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who trust in Him.”

In times of trouble, testing, and accidents, God will be a stronghold and will reveal that the Lord is good. This verse says ‘A stronghold in the day of trouble’ This means if you have a problem the Lord will encircle you and safeguard you. A fortress. Those days the Kings hid themselves in a fortress. They would have built a fort wall around that palace. If you see the palaces of the kings, you will see this. A huge fortress. In Israel, David’s fort is also like this. Likewise, in my place, there is a Padmanabhapuram Palace, where King Padmanabhapuram lived. You can see a huge fort. To know if the enemies are coming, there will be a small hole to see from a distance if the enemies are coming. They would be sitting in a safe place.

Beloved children of God, despite all this protection several disasters, and destruction have come into the palace and to the king. But if the Lord is your fortress, He has encircled you to protect you no evil spirit can come, and no deadly disease can affect you. No evil witchcraft power can affect you. Because they all came you had a lot of expenditure for the sickness, court cases, and loss. All your income was going for the court cases, medical expenses, repairs, and car accidents. Endless wife’s sickness, children’s illness, and husband’s diseases have caused you to spend everything. From today God will be your strong fortress and protect you from unnecessary expenses, danger, accidents, and deadly diseases deliver you, and keep you safe. God will raise a wall of fire around you, reign supreme in your house, beautifully bless you with peace, and guide you in the path of peace and progress.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. The Lord is good. This good God will be a stronghold in the day of trouble, according to this verse, those who are watching this program and trapped in trouble, danger, Satan’s stronghold, witchcraft bondage, and suffering. Lord you be their strong fortress, protect and deliver them. Like birds flying about, the LORD will defend, deliver them, and put a circle of protection around them, so that no plaque comes near their tent, no destruction strikes them, and no dark work of the devil or witchcraft should affect them. We offer a million thanks for putting a hedge of protection around them. Be glorified through them, Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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