December 10, 2023

The Lord is a shelter to You - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, Dec.10th. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book Joel 3:16, “But the Lord will be a shelter for His people, And the strength of the children of Israel.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Word of God says, the Lord will be a shelter for His people. That Day the one who came to the Lord for shelter, the child of God, namely Ruth, God looks at her and said, “A full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge.” Today you have come early this morning under the refuge or shelter of the Lord God of Israel. So You submit your entire family at the feet of the Lord who is the shelter of all. God is the refuge of all the children. So you submit not only your family, your children but also your business, job and your ministry. When Ruth came and fell at the feet of the Lord God of Israel, she had a testimonial life in her. Though She lost her husband at an early age, she saved her virtue. And also her testimony. Though she was a Moabites woman. She walked worthy of the Lord in all her ways. And since she fell at the feet of the Lord, God tells her “ Since you have come under the shelter of the God of Israel, a full reward will be given unto you.”

The word of God says, “ For you have not gone roaming behind young men.” We need to follow the Lord, and at the same time we need to be pure, holy and sanctified. And when we fall at the feet of the Lord, having led a life of testimony, then God will not only be a shelter to us but we will have a fulfilling life. For those who say that they are living a life of many shortcomings, and there is much lacking in the blessings of God, dear children of God, if you want those shortcomings to be a fulfilling life, then you need to set right all that is incorrect in your life to that which is pleasing unto the Lord. Remove all that is unwanted in your life which displeases God. And make a change in your behavior so that you may live like Ruth, true and perfect in character. If you live in this manner like Ruth then God will bless you with a fulfilling life. God will give you a fulfilling salary; He will give you a fulfilling anointing. He will give you a fulfilling descendants or generation. Since she kept her testimony in the Lord, God blessed her with another life. God brought Boaz into her life. God gave Boaz a spiritual man as her husband. Her broken life was rebuilt. God blessed her with a male child called Abed and honored her. Thus God built her life. God will build your life too. If you tell the Lord, “ I have lost my life, and stand forlorn. ” If you say this God will rebuild your life. This verse says, “The Lord will be a shelter for His people, And the strength of the children of Israel. ” He will be a shelter and protect you. God will be a shelter and protect you wherever you go. In case the Devil would bring about harm through accident or disease, or any kind of incurable disease, God will completely cancel it and He will be a wall of protection, and save you from all danger and harm. God will keep you within the hedge of protection, and God says that He will lead you safely.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord you are the shelter and you are the fort of refuge. Lord even now all those who are living an unclean and unholy life. And are living in wickedness, and are filled with filthy thoughts, Lord please forgive such people. Lord, just as you granted a fulfilling life to Ruth, and also blessed her with a new generation, Lord bless all the children with good income, and also give them a lasting joy, grant them a new anointing, with a new generation, break all the barriers, let their going and coming be safe. Let the Lord be a fort of refuge, to them and protect them. Let them hear a lot of good and happy news.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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