June 30, 2023

The Lord Hears Your Prayers - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 30th of June, the last day of the month it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Today’s auspicious word is taken from 2 Kings 20:5, “I have heard your prayer. I have seen your tears, surely I will heal you.

Dearly beloved, firstly God says, I have heard your prayer. May be all these days you have been praying to the Lord but your prayer has not been answered so far. But today your prayer will be heard and the Lord will perform a miracle for you because the Lord says, I have heard your prayer. He says, “I have heard.” Not, “ I will hear.” That means your prayer request has already been heard by God. The word of God says, “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers.” This means, God’s eyes are upon you and His ears are open to hear your prayers. So God says, He will perform a miracle for you. For whatever needs you have requested God, He has considered your prayers and has decided to perform miracles for you.

2000 years ago, A Royal Official told the Lord that He should come before the death of his son. And it is told that this request came into the ears of the Lord. The Royal Official said to the Lord, “My son is in death bed. Before he dies you need to come.” The Lord heard his request, and restored his son who was at the verge of death.

We see that at the wedding of Cana, 2000 years ago, Mary the mother of Jesus told Him that the wine in the wedding house was running out. And there was not enough wine to serve the guests. Mary requested the Lord to do something about it. The Lord heard her request and at the right time performed a miracle and changed the water into wine and asked his disciples to serve it to the guests who attended the wedding. Our Lord hears and answers the request of His children. When Jairus, the leader of the synagogue cried unto the Lord saying that his daughter was almost dying and requested Him to heal his daughter. Lord Jesus went to his house and restored life to her. He gave life to the dead girl having listened to the request of Jairus. Our God hears the supplication of His children. What is your request for today? What is the urgent request in your life that needs to be attended by God? Do you need a job? Or is it your marriage settlement. Or do you need the gift of a child. Do you need a house of your own? Or do you need the experience of salvation? Or do you expect the power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? What is it that you are expecting from God? God says, “I have heard your petition.” Secondly the Lord says, I have seen your tears. That day the Lord saw Mary crying over the death of her brother. He saw them cry and He wept along with them as He was deeply touched in His spirit. God performed a miracle for them and comforted them. He brought out dead Lazarus out of the grave and caused joy to the sisters who were stricken with grief.

Beloved, today God is going to retrieve all your dead situations. Your blessings, your gift of the womb, your business that seems to be dead, your trade that has been buried on which a tomb has been raised up, your ministry or your church that is on verge of closing , will all begin to shoot up. He is going to bring an end to all your tears.

Finally the Lord says, “I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears, and will heal you.” So the Lord assures that He will heal you of all your diseases. Many of you are struggling in your life with acute diseases and are on medication for long time. God says, “This will be the last day for your disease. God is healing you right now. Tomorrow a new month July 1st is going to begin or dawn. As you enter into the new month, you will experience newness in your life having been relieved from all your disease. May all the old things come to an end. God will perform a miracle for you.

Prayer: Lord we thank you. Lord I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord may they be blessed and be filled with joy according to the days they have seen evil. On this last day of this month, Lord you have said that you have heard our prayers, you have seen our tears, and will heal us. Let all these three blessings be placed on their head and may they come to happen in their lives, as Amen and Amen.
In Jesus Name we pray.

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