May 24, 2022

The Lord Has Chosen You.  - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour   Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Deuteronomy 14:2, “Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession.”

My dear children of God, you are the chosen children of God. It means that Jesus has chosen you as His own children. The Lord has given this blessing to those He wanted to be saved. We have many relatives in this world. Some will help us. Some have the heart to help but may have no opportunity to do so. Some may have the opportunity to help but will not have the heart to do so. When you are surrounded by such relatives, then it is necessary to make Jesus as your greatest relative today. 

God has accepted us as His children and has given the birthright to call Him Abba Father. He is the Father and we are His children. He is our lovable relative who gave His life for us. He is our blood relative who redeemed us by His blood. A Father and child cannot be separated. It is an inseparable relationship.

As children of God we have all the rights to enjoy the blessings of our Heavenly Father. The earth and its fullness belong to God. Silver and gold belong to Him. He is the One who has all authority over the earth in His hands. Such a God is our Father. When He is our Father, what do we lack? We have nothing to lack.

The bible says, the lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing. Psalm 34;10

Yes we will not lack any good thing when we seek him with all our heart like a child .

Today will you accept the Lord you as your Father.  Tell the Lord “I am your child.”  You have written all the blessings in the Bible as a will for me. A father will write a will for his child. But the Lord has written many wills in the Bible for us. All these things are going to surround you and bless you. So, the Lord is truthful enough to solve all your debts and He will meet all your needs. He will give you all that you need. God Bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, You have accepted us as your own people. We thank you for the relationship of a father and child. Give us all the blessings you have kept for us on this earth. Lord grant my children all the wealth that they are supposed to get from the Father. May the blessings and anointing of God be poured upon all those who are reading this message?  May my children live under Your care. Let all the auspicious events that arehindered in their family begin to take place in theirhouses.   Let my children’s financial needs be met and may they take the left over in many baskets.

In Jesus Name, we pray,


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