October 26, 2023

The Lord Gives You Understanding - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Oct 26th. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. I desire and pray that many good and auspicious events will take place in your families. Good days will come, says the Lord. Are you going through difficulties? This will also pass by. Your difficulties will pass by. Are you in debts , this also will pass by. God will surely do a miracle for you. So You are anxiously waiting to know what auspicious word of God the Lord has given for you today. Well take with me from the book of Timothy 2:7, “May the Lord give you understanding in all things.”

This verse says that the Lord gives you understanding in all things. That means he is going to give you good understanding in managing your family. Today God is going to give you good understanding in order that you do your business profitably. God is going to give you good understanding to carry on your ministry wisely. In the place of your work God is going to give you good understanding in order that you may shine in your workplace. God is going to give you a good understanding to study well. So God is going to give you understanding to deal well in all things. Why is the Lord giving you good understanding ? It is to use it as an investment, and make a living. God wants you to use this understanding so that you may progress in your life. My dear children of God, the Bible says, a man traveling to a far country entrusted his wealth to his servants before leaving. To one servant, he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one. The servant who received five talents went at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. The talents indicate an investment, which he could use to do business. Many are not willing to use the talents given by God that is the understanding for a better purpose. Many are not willing to use their understanding and come out successfully in their interview and take up a job. God is giving understanding and knowledge to invest them and do something useful and progress in their life.

They invest money and try to ask someone else to do work for them. They wish to invest their money and try to do business, or take up a tender that is how they are trying. Put an end to all these sorts of things. How long will you be giving money, after money to others to get work done for you? Today God is giving you a special knowledge to do well in life. He is giving you good understanding, creativity, knowledge, and sharp intellect that you may invest in and shine in life. Keeping all these things you should do business wisely and successfully. And save some money, and keep your family , your wife and children happy. May the Lord shower His richest blessings upon you. That is the message for you today. All those who say, my child has no knowledge, no good understanding, For all such children God is going to give the knowledge like the sand on the beach. And He is also going to give them wisdom, like the sand on the beach. And he will grant you to live a successful life on the face of this earth. God is going to give you knowledge today which is very important for you to grow well and be successful in life. And as a result He will lift you up.
Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you, Lord we pray and bless all the children who are reading this message. As per this verse which says, “The Lord gives you understanding in all things.” How they should behave with their wives, with their children, give such knowledge to the children. In the place of work how they should work and how they should behave with those in authority, give them such knowledge. And let that knowledge give them promotion and increment in their workplace. Help them to receive grace and favor in the sight of those in authority. In the place of business how they should do business, how to talk to the customers and how to get orders, and how to fulfill all the orders received, how to produce the product, give them knowledge in all these things, and may the children using this knowledge and understanding, may they be able to make profit in their business which was once at loss. Now I see in my spirit, the special knowledge that the Lord is giving to all the children. While you are reading this message the Lord is doing something beyond supernatural miracles and thus inserting this knowledge into their hearts, and keeps them in their brain. God is keeping such knowledge and for making them great achievers. We are thankful. We thank You Lord for fulfilling them in their life. Lord let those who are behind come forward. And for those who said that they do not have any understanding, may all who once ridiculed them, now appreciate them by helping them, Lord , to attain a higher position in life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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