January 8, 2019

The Latter Day Blessings - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the  book of  Job 2:10, “Shall we indeed accept good from God,  and shall we not accept, adversity? In all this Job did not  sin  with his lips.” My dear Brothers and Sisters God allows the good and bad things in life, and we can trust Him to work all things.

In a single day Job received news that his oxen donkeys and camels were stolen. He heard  about the death of his ten children. He lost everything. He tore his clothes and sat in ashes.  His grief was inexpressible. God saw all that He had made and it was very good. When it comes to good and evil, we should not forget that there is both good and bad in the world. And one must face such challenges during the course of his  life. When good things happen, we need to enjoy the goodness of God in our life. But when times are evil you need to allow God to rule your life. Soon the dark cloud will disappear and  you will see a silver lining emerging brightly.

Satan  brings calamity in our life. At such times you must believe that God’s will is the only good and perfect way. Job’s wife couldn’t tolerate the pressure of disaster that occurred in the family. Hence she became vexed in life and rebuked her husband saying, “Are you still maintaining, your integrity, curse God and  die.” But Job told her that she was behaving like a foolish woman, and tells her, “Shall we expect good from God and not trouble? “Job seemed to be a man of better understanding. He knew very well that both good and evil comes from God and He is capable of changing, evil into good.

Dear brothers and Sisters we are not to condemn Job’s wife for behaving in such a manner because she   was actually  a good woman. But the terrible circumstances that she was going through and   height of disaster made her to speak like a carnal person. Job refers her to an ungodly woman. Therefore he reproves her of her folly.

Job suggests that he and his wife had received many good things from  the Lord. And they had very much enjoyed the blessings of God. So when God permitted disaster Job was prepared to accept it from the hands of God. The Bible says, in all this Job did not sin.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, I urge you to consider the life of Job, when troubles strike your doors,  and in case you are struggling in your life remember to hold on to God like Job and believe with all of your heart that God is able to change your sorrow into joy, and He will never put you to shame. If you remain firm in Him,  then just as the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning, He will bless you too. He will change your curse into a blessing. 

God bless you. 


Our   loving   heavenly   Father, we   thank   You  for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for reminding  us to walk like Job. Never to sin with  our mouth even if we have to go through worse situation in our life.  Guard   us  and preserve us to be faithful till  the end.  Never to  shrink in our faith.  Bless  us Lord  as  you  had  blessed Job with a double portion of blessing. In Jesus name we pray.


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