September 9, 2024
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the Word from Isaiah 60:3, “The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”
My dear brothers and sisters, when the God of light is with a man or woman, even kings will come seeking them. When God said, “Let there be light,” light shone on the earth, which was previously covered in darkness. Today, God is speaking to you, saying, “Let there be light.” At this moment, brightness is beginning to shine in your darkened life. God is bringing you out of the dark room, and from now on, He will lift you up and transform you into a rich and wealthy person, to such a degree that even kings will come in search of you. Not only that, but “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” This means that God expects you to reflect His light like a mirror and become a vessel carrying Jesus Christ within you. Looking at my own life, I was nothing, but gradually I became a successful businessman. Later, I accepted God’s calling and entered the ministry. When I was in business, people came to me to buy vehicles, but not for counsel or life direction.
However, once I entered the ministry and the God of light came into me, His brightness began to shine within me. The anointing of His light and the gift of the Holy Spirit filled me, and people began to come, not for business, but to find solutions to their life’s problems. They would say, “This man is not ordinary; God is with him.” They sought good counsel, prayer, and deliverance from the challenges they faced. They believed that if they came to me, the mysterious knots in their lives would be undone, the curses would be revealed, and they could confess and seek God’s deliverance.
In this way, nations came to the light that was shining brightly, drawn to the place where God’s gifts were at work. As they received deliverance, I felt joyful knowing that God was using me. You too should retain God in your heart so that kings will come to you. God’s light must shine within you, and that brightness should radiate to those around you. Others should benefit from your life. Surrender yourself to God so that He can use you, and your life will be blessed. As the verse says, “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” People will be drawn to you, and God will lift you up in a glorious way, just as He did for Isaac.
Isaac’s growth in his business was beyond anyone’s imagination, even though the natural circumstances were against him. Since God favored him, he reaped a hundredfold during a time of famine and became a very wealthy man. Kings who heard of this came to make a peace treaty with him, saying, “God is with you, and you are blessed by Him. That is why we want to make peace with you.” In the same way, God will bless you with such growth in your business, job, or ministry that even kings will come to you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Thank You, Father, for taking us, though we were unworthy, and anointing us with Your light. You have placed Your brightness upon our faces and transformed us into Your likeness. We praise You for displaying Your power in us so that kings and nations may come to our light. From now on, let there be no darkness in the lives of those reading this. Pull them out of the power of darkness and make them children of light. Let their lives rise and shine for God. I bless them to be so. In Jesus’ name, we pray.