September 30, 2018
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I waited upon the Lord, the blessed word that the Lord gave me to bless you today is from the book of Numbers 24:1-2, “Now when Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not resort to divination as at other times, but turned his face toward the wilderness and when Balaam looked out and saw Israel encamped tribe by tribe, the Spirit of God came on him.”
God brought the Israelites out of the Egypt from their captivity under the leadership of Moses to the Land of Canaan “flowing with milk and honey”. During their journey they stayed in the wilderness until God asked them to move forward. They built tents and stayed in camps, throughout their journey. When they arrived near the river Jordan the City of Moab, they spread all over according to their tribes and stayed. Balak, the King of Moab was afraid of these people. He feared that it would be dangerous if the Israelites stayed in Moab permanently. He took many steps to destroy them completely but he failed. Finally, he called for the famous Prophet, Balaam, to curse the people of Israel so that they may be cursed and destroyed. But God was pleased to save the people of Israel. When Balaam went to curse the people of Israel, God sent His angels with swords to stand before the people of Israel to protect them from Balaam. Balak, the king, took Prophet Balaam, to the top of the mountain to curse the people. When they reached the top of the mountain, God touched the heart and tongue of Balaam. The words that came from his mouth were the words of blessings and not of curse. Balaam came to curse the people; but God made Balaam to bless the people.
My dearly beloved, even today, there may be people who are jealous of you and your talents. They may plot evil against you. But when your ways are holy and pleasing in the sight of God, He will send His angels to protect you from all danger. All those who come to curse you, will end up blessing you; because, they will see an army of angels beside you. God, will lift your head among those people who cursed you. He wants you to live a blessed life. God will grant to you all the blessings that you lack in. Today, God is going to put an end to all your problems and He will give you His strength to overcome all your troubles.
God bless you.
Our Loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. I submit my dear children into Your hands. I thank You for changing all the curses into blessings and for protecting them from the hands of the enemy. Let all those who come to curse my children, see Your angels and bless them instead. Father, we thank You for lifting up their heads before those who put them down. Be with them and bless them. May You send Your angels and protect my children. In Jesus Name we pray,