August 14, 2023

The Blessing Of The Lord - Bro. T. Stephen

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day August 14th through this daily Auspicious Word message. May God bless you! Let us read from Proverbs 10:22 “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.”

Our God is a lavishly affluent God. He bore all our poverty on the cross, there is no need for you to be poor henceforth. I have heard many refer to a person as ‘poverty stricken’ and say, ‘Don’t have anything to do with him, his poverty will rub off on you.’ Are people considering you as ‘poverty stricken’ and running away when they see you at a distance, fearing you will seek their assistance? But God does not run away seeing your ‘poverty stricken’ state instead, He comes in search of you to make you lavishly affluent. Listen carefully, if you have debt and scarcity men, friends, and relatives will abscond from you only very few will be willing to help, but God will seek you in times of famine. He sent Prophet Elijah to feed the widow of Zarephath during a famine. He sent Prophet Elijah to help her like an Angel during the famine so that she and her son were fed and did not perish.

The God who sought her through Prophet Elijah is our God. He was with her during the entire period of famine, and the Lord did miracles so that they were well-fed and adequately nourished. That same God who seeks you in the midst of your poverty is here. God declares, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.” What does that mean? If the Lord blesses you with a job, ministry, or business, there will be no sorrow due to it. The blessing of the Lord will have no sorrow in it. Some seek out certain things outside the will of God, outside the plan of God considering it to be a blessing. Perhaps it is a blessing but there will be sorrow in it. Wealth without sorrow is what will give you peace and joy. Many receive an income but there is no joy or peace in it. Sorrow! Tears! You might have heard some say like this, ‘There is no peace of mind despite having everything. We have money, wealth, comfort, and opportunities but cannot sleep peacefully at night. Cannot eat peacefully.’ Because if He has the riches as a blessing from God, there will be no sorrow in it. No bitterness in it. Henceforth this is what you should pray, “With Your blessing let the house of Your servant be blessed forever.” Only desire a legitimate blessing and earn it, that will remove your poverty and help you live without debts.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. For those who are seeking the Lord’s riches,
grant them the riches and wealth from heaven. You said, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.” Let my children receive a good job, a good life partner, a good offspring, a good income, a good business, and a good ministry from the Father of Lights, and grant them a life without sorrow. Many have woken up this morning with heartache. There is money but they suffer from a disease that cannot be healed with this money. What will I do Lord? They are in tears. The diseases that cannot be cured by money or by doctors Lord today heal them and grant them divine health. Let every bondage of curse be destroyed today. Let every curse that they carried till today be transformed into a blessing. This is my prayer of blessing. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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