April 16, 2019
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Jeremiah 32:27, “’Behold I am the Lord the God of al flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?”’
The Lord said to Jeremiah “’ I am about to hand this city over to king Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.”’ Jeremiah grew afraid as he was much troubled by Zedekiah king of Judah. So he prays to God and therefore God replies saying Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Times of fear, should be times of prayer. The thought of the omnipotence of God was there, as always, the ground of prayer. Actually Jeremiah adores the Lord. And His infinite perfections.
Whenever we are perplexed about the providence of God it is good to consider that God is the fountain of all being, power and life. Because with Him no difficulty is too hard that it cannot be overcome. For He is a God of boundless mercy and He is a God of strict justice and that He directs everything for the best. Whatever trouble we may go through, personal or public, we can comfort ourselves that the Lord sees it and knows how to remedy it. Jeremiah praises God saying Behold thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power and outstretched arm. For nothing short of Almighty power could have produced such a stupendous work as the heavens. With all the host of sun, moon, stars, the earth and the sea with all that is in them. But there is no such thing with God whose understanding is unsearchable and His power irresistible , with Him nothing is impossible.
Our God is a wonder working God. He does great things past findings out, yes wonders without numbers. Jeremiah says, Your wonderful works which You have done cannot be recounted for they are more than can be numbered. You have revealed Your strength to Your people, And the heavens will praise your wonders. God says, All flesh shall know that I the Lord am your Saviour and Your Redeemer. The mighty one of Jacob. For He spoke , and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. Jeremiah realized that there is nothing too hard for the Lord. Jeremiah realized that God shows loving kindness to thousands. He recognized the justice and judgement of God. God delivered the people of Israel out of the Land of Egypt through signs and wonders.
In response to the prayer of Jeremiah God first affirmed His power and might in the same terms as Jeremiah prayed. Jeremiah said to the Lord there is nothing too hard for You. God replied back to his praying servant “’ Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Yes, Nothing is too hard for the Lord. God will do a miracle in your life.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank You for revealing Your power and Might in a marvellous manner. Teach us to fear and have reverence to You as Jeremiah. May we look up to You in prayer when we go through fearful situation and in all difficult times. Help us to realize that You are a God of Justice. Show us Your loving kindness.
In Jesus name we pray.