September 11, 2019
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Isaiah 55:6, “Seek Ye The Lord While He May Be Found.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we understand that we need to seek the Lord. The great promise to those who seek the Lord is that He will be found if you seek Him, And when He is found there is great reward. Whoever would draw near to God must believe that he rewards those who seek him. My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Bible says, that no man could thus walk with God and please Him unless he had come to Him and no man could come to a God in whom he did not believe. So the facts of Enochs life show that there must have been in him an underlying faith. For God to have translated him to His abode. One must realize that we seek after a living being and that He is the Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Brethren we call ourselves Christians, let us therefore be honest with ourselves and rigid in the thoughts of our hearts. The measure of our seeking God is actually settled by the measure of our desire. But for a man to desire and not to work towards fulfilling his desire is greater misery.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If we are truly seeking God, we need to bring Him into connection with all our work. We must make an effort to keep by Him as we go about our daily task if we are truly seeking God. Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, says the prophet and immediately goes on to exhort us to call upon Him while He is near as it is the way of seeking Him. He is always near, closer to us than our friends, relatives, near to hear us and to bless us. Those earnestly seeking Him must first believe that He exists. Secondly we must believe that God rewards. Our faith that God is real should move us to action, and we must prove our faith by living in a way, that is pleasing to Him. For those who seek God experience rich blessing with the help of the Holy Spirit, and the wisdom found in His word. They enjoy a rewarding and satisfying way of life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, You can also enjoy a good relationship with God if you believe that He will reward you when you seek Him with your whole heart. Therefore seek Him while He may be found. Believe that He is a living God and does exist and is near unto all those who call upon Him In truth and Spirit.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for opening our eyes to the truth that God exists and rewards those who seek Him. Teach us to seek you while you are available. Help us to walk pleasing to God in all our walk of life. May we be honest and faithful. Help us to be diligent and seek the face of God all the days of our life. In Jesus name we pray.