August 21, 2018

Seek The Lord And Be Blessed - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of  2 chronicles 26-5,   As long as Uzziah  sought the LORD, God gave him success. Therefore in order to be successful in life we need to seek the Lord. Moreover Proverbs 28: 5,25 says, Those who seek the Lord understand all things.   He who trusts in the Lord prospers. 1 Kings 15:14 says,   Asa’s  heart was loyal to the Lord all his days.

In order to be successful or prosperous in our lives we need to have Jesus in our lives. We need to be loyal to the Lord all the days of our lives in order that we may be successful in our lives.

David advises  his son  Solomon to seek the Lord and tells him that he had risen up to the position of a king from being a shepherd boy because he sought the Lord from his early days.  David says, “The Lord is My portion.” In Psalm 16:8  David says, I have kept the Lord always before me therefore I shall not be moved”  God was his confidence. So he admonishes  Solomon to seek the Lord. He says, “If you seek the Lord  you will find Him.  If you leave Him He will leave you.” And that will be the end of your life.  So today God is telling you one thing clearly ,that is, to seek the Lord that you might prosper in your life. Hence it is important to accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of your life. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says, “ Now is an accepted time and now is the day of salvation. ” Receive  Jesus and trust in Him then you will prosper. Moreover Proverbs 28: 5,25 says, Those who seek the Lord understand all things.   He who trusts in the Lord prospers.

Never let go of God from your heart. We need to be alert not to lose Him. Some might say, this person  is the portion of my life. That  person might have been  the  cause for lifting him up or rising him up to a greater level  or status in your life. If you think or consider someone who has been the cause for rising or lifting you up to a higher level then you must remember that God was behind that person who helped you . Without the Lords favour no one could have helped you. God has allowed that person to help you or be gracious to you. It is good to honour such a person who had helped you to reach greater height in life. But above all you should honour God who had been the instrument behind all this and has introduced that person in your life. And through that person God has blessed you. So you need to honour the Lord God Almighty.

God bless you.

Prayer : 

Our loving heavenly Father, we thank you for opening our eyes to realise how important it is to seek the Lord. We also thank you for appointing people   in order to promote the status of our lives.  We thank you Lord for your grace and mercy  that helps us to prosper in our Lives. We praise  and honour  You for your  favour and goodness  In Jesus Name we pray.


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