October 10, 2020

Seek God and Live - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Amos 5:4 “For thus says, the Lord to the House of Israel, “Seek Me and Live.”

From the above context we learn through Amos the prophet of God, who emphasises the people of Israel to “seek God.” For Amos, “to seek God” means seeking good, doing justice and rightness, worshiping God in the right way, and seeking the word of the Lord. Then they would receive the assurance which God had promised to Israel, that “They would live” and prosper. The Word of God, “Seek ye Me and ye shall live” – describes the Wonderful conciseness of the prophet who speaks about, man’s duty and his reward. To seek God is to live. For to seek God is to find Him, and God is Life and the Source of life. But the seeking is diligent seeking.

“Seek Me,” that is, seek God for Himself, not for anything out of Him and not for His gifts, not just to obtain something from Him for this is not seeking Him purely. All is found in Him, but by seeking Him first, and then loving Him in all,” You shall live,” God will help you by prolonging your life, then He will help you to escape from your enemy; then give you the grace to live a better life. As the Psalmist, says, in his psalms, “your heart shall live who seek God” Amen.

Amos prophesied, during the period of the reign of Jeroboam II, which was a period of great prosperity and of great corruption. Amos, was accustomed to the simple life of a shepherd. He was provoked to anger at the signs of misused wealth and selfish luxury that he saw everywhere. Amos’s first call to Israel is but the echo of God’s call to men, always and everywhere. All circumstances, all inward experiences, joy and sorrow, prosperity and disaster, our longings and our fears, they all cry aloud to us to seek His face. Amos’s promise is true still, to those who seek God. There is no surer way of promoting true well-being than seeking God. ‘The fundamental principle of Amos’s teaching is an eternal truth, that to seek God is to find Him, and to find Him is life.

Having read this message I am sure that God has touched, you through His word and that you might seek him, and not postpone. Today is the day of salvation. Today is the accepted time. “Today, if only you would hear God’s voice, and do not harden your hearts.” Then you will be blessed. Then you will shine both in your spiritual and material life. Therefore Seek God and Live. When you seek God you shall be blessed. You will prosper in all walks of your life. Be it in your education or in your business, or in your family life or in the life of your children you will find the mercy of God. I pray God grant you the wisdom to Seek God above all things in life. God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for telling us through this message that we need to seek God above all things in life. Teach us to refrain ourselves from all worldly life and Seek His face. Strengthen us in the Lord. May we give up all that is ungodly and live according to the commandments of God and the instruction of prophet Amos to the people of Israel.
In Jesus name we pray.

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