July 15, 2023

Rivers of Water - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Isaiah 32:2, “As rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord says, that he will be like the rivers of water in a dry place, and as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. So the Lord will be like a great rock, and as a shadow, and further like the rivers of water. There is a beautiful term used in this verse namely dry place. If you need harvest from a dry land, there you need rivers of water. This is a known truth to all. Land is available but, there is no harvest. Today God is saying that the dryness in the land is the cause for no harvest. In order to change the dryness in your family, the dryness in your job, the dryness in your ministry. God is opening the rivers from heaven towards your life, towards your job, towards your business, towards your ministry, God is turning the canals towards the need of your life. He is a God who turns the streams in the South. Why is God turning the streams towards the dry land is because, at least in the future the land would become fertile. Incase your life is like the dry and parched land, and your future is almost dry and weary, and you are in tears because of these conditions that you are going through, God is turning the heavenly streams and rivers towards your life.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, there is another beautiful verse which says, since He is concerned about you, or he has sympathy for you, he is leading you beside the still waters and near the streams. God is sympathetic towards you, that means he is a God of mercy. Therefore he is leading you towards the good streams. In a good government job, in a good business. God is saying that he will lead you to a better place, he is assuring you with his word for today. That will help you to change your dry and parched life into a life of greenery. When streams begin to flow in the dry and weary land then, there will be a plentiful and good harvest.
All your debts will be cleared. Today even though you have many crores of rupees as debts, believe on the Lord who holds gold and silver in his hands. Hold on to him firmly. Tell the Lord, ‘I am your child. You alone must help me pay off my debts. Sometimes, when children having debts come to me for prayer, I will tell the Lord, the worldly father sells his own house to help his daughter pay off her debts, because he thinks his daughter is more important than his own house. “A mother also will do the same; she would sell all that she has, in order to pay off her daughter’s debts. She will try to redeem her daughter from her debts and help her live peacefully. Lord aren’t you more loving and great than the earthly father? Lord just one more time relieve them from debts, Aren’t they your children? I have cried and prayed in this matter. For such kind of children, the Lord has given them a beautiful harvest, gave them wonderful job, and business, and helped them to rise up in their business, and they were able to pay off all their debts, and I have seen that, today God has changed them to lend money to others instead of borrowing.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, once, a brother gave his testimony in our fasting prayer meeting. He was going through a dry and parched state of life, struck with poverty and famine. Much loss , debts, and failures in the family. It seems someone guided him to attend this fasting prayer, He was told that lunch was offered after the meeting gets over. He carried tiffin along with him so that he can eat in plenty and also take home some food for his wife and children. That brother who came to the meeting only waited for the food that would be offered after the meeting. So he to thought in his mind that he would fill his stomach and also take home some food for his wife and children. But in that meeting he happened to listen to the word of God and it worked in him mightily. That word of God changed his life completely. The word of God brought streams of water into his dry and parched life. It brought a great blessing to him. He ate food after the meeting and also took some food for his wife and children.

On the very next day the business which had been dry until then, and he received a contract business which was a great blessing and now he has nearly 90 employees working under him. He has now become a business magnet or business proprietor. That day he came to the meeting to have lunch, but today the Lord has blessed him to sponsor food for many thousands of people. As a result nearly 90 families are being fed by him. 90 families are living because of him.He said, “I came as a single man to have food but today the Lord has blessed me to provide food for many.” The Lord who blessed him asks you to hold on to Him. Believe Him. Claim all that you need. Tell Him, “Lord I am your child give me.” Then He will give you. Once your poverty is over then the Lord will accompany you as a shade in your life. That is what the verse says, shade means something that follows us is our shade. The Bible says, He is a shade who protects us. That is the shade will follow you wherever you go. In the same manner God is going to follow you, will be a shade to you, and will give you the grace to retain all the blessings. So hereafter you will not borrow, but will lend to many.

Prayer: Dear Lord We Thank You. Lord I pray and bless all the children reading this message. Lord you said, that you will come as rivers of water in a dry place. There is dryness in their lives. And they have been experiencing much draught, debts problems, and pain, in sufferings, in hunger. Lord please look at your children for one more time, and in their business center, open the heavenly walls, in their work spot, in their ministry, let the heavenly river flow down below. As the word of God says, the oil from heaven poured like the river, let it flow into their families, like the heavenly river of oil. As a result let their debts, famine and draught come to an end. And let them not borrow from anyone. Put a hedge of fire all around them, and take good care of them. Lord fulfill all the desires and expectation of their heart.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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