December 24, 2019

RIGHTEOUS - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Psalms 92:12 , “The Righteous flourish like the Palm tree, and grow like the Cedar in Lebanon.”       

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we come to understand that  God wants us to flourish like the Palm tree and prosper like the Cedar that grows in Lebanon. The trees of the Lord are watered abundantly, especially the Cedars that He planted. The Cedar of the Lebanon is tall, with spreading branches. The trees are rooted in deep soil. They usually thrive on slopes facing the sea. This is the kind of blessing that God wants you to enjoy in the (coming year.)

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God, encourages us that we ought to grow   both materially and spiritually like the Cedars of Lebanon. The above verse says that you will have a bright future provided you fear the Lord and be righteous before Him. God assures that you will blossom like the lily flowers. You will grow strong and take root like the Cedars. Your children too will grow strong and stand firm in whatever position they hold.  Your jobs will be established.  Your income will increase. Your business will be established. Even your ministry will be established. You will stand firm, rooted and grounded. All the enemies that came/come, against you will be uprooted. God is destroying all the plans of the enemy. Every work of the witchcraft, sorcery, and   evil spirit will be nullified in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Every evil thing   that destroys your children’s future will be destroyed. God is breaking them right now.

My Dear brothers and Sisters, You will eat the good fruits of the tree   in the coming year. That means God will fill your barns with grain and your vats will overflow with good wine. Such a person will be blessed, who trusts in the Lord, and whose confidence is in Him. Such people will be like trees planted by the waters that sends out its root by the stream. It never fears when heat comes, It’s leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of draught, and never fails to bear fruit. So will, you be in all your endeavours. A   good measure of good things will be poured into your lap when God showers his favour upon you.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, We all want to live blessed lives, and experience the promise and blessings of God. We want to live lives where we are free from sickness and disease, and where our relationships are thriving, money isn’t a struggle, debts and bills are   duly   paid. And we are a blessing to others. In the Bible God says, Blessed is the man that fears the Lord and delights greatly in the commandments. You must realize that God is the source of all blessings. He is the source from whom all things were created.  The word of God is like medicine for your spiritual life. The more you read from God’s word, you will be healed of your sickness or disease if any. God is blessing you with good health.   

There are several barriers that stand as obstructions for your progress or your achievements in life. It prevents you from moving forward. But every hindrance that obstructs you from going forward is being broken right now. God is going to level all the hills and mounds in your life. God is going to release peace in all your families. Your houses must be like a small heaven. Then, as the dew of Hermon and as the dew that descends on the mountains of  Zion the Lord will pour out His Blessings upon you. The “’Dew ”refers to God’s blessings.  May God give you the Dew of Heaven, and of the fatness  of the earth. And plenty  of grain and wine. God says, I will be like the dew to Israel, He shall blossom, like the lily. He shall take root like the trees of Lebanon. May the Lord help you to be blessed like the dew of Hermon. God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for helping us to grow like the palm tree, and be rooted like the Cedar in Lebanon. Thank you Lord for blessing our family in the coming year, as you have blessed us this year. May we spread the fragrance of Christ and His beauty everywhere we go.  Grant us grace and favour in your sight that we may inherit all the blessings you have promised in the word of God.

In Jesus name we pray.



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