August 30, 2023
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 30th of August, It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord Bless you all. Take with me from Psalms 9:9, “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed. A refuge in times of trouble.”
That day we see Ruth in the Bible how she had lost her own husband and her father in law too. She also lost her brother in law. Having lost their husbands and being so dejected in life and having lost everything in life. Both Ruth and Naomi leave Moab and return to Bethlehem the house of Bread. Having spent life in tears they go to Bethlehem and they surrender at the feet of the Lord. They took shelter in the refuge of the Lord. The Bible says, The Lord repay her work and a full reward be given, to her by the Lord, of Israel, under whose wings, she had come for refuge.” Today many of you may have met many losses in your life. you might have lost your husband whom you had loved so much. You might have lost your child. You might have lost your wife also. Thus you might have lost someone whom you loved so dearly in your family, and as you are wondering as to what you would be doing, and are you sitting in much sorrow and grief? Today God is giving you refuge under his feet. Come and fall at the feet of the Lord for refuge, God in order to make your name famous will do many great miracles for you in your life.
Secondly the verse says, “God will be a refuge in times of trouble.” The trials are troubling you on one side and natural disasters are attacking you from the other side. The creditors are pressing you from one side, Disease is suppressing you from the other side. During these hard and difficult periods of time the Lord says that He will be a refuge to you. Those who fall at the feet of the Lord for refuge, the Lord will bring them out of their oppression, and will liberate them and bring them to a large and broad place. When David was going through a very hard and difficult period of time, and was pressed from all four corners by his enemies, David tells the Lord “I thank you Lord for liberating me from all my oppression.” When he thanked the Lord , God delivered him from the hands of all his enemies, and for him who fell at the feet of the Lord for refuge God exalted him to the position of a King. God will do the same thing for you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message, in the name of Jesus. Lord You said, that You also will be a refuge for the oppressed. A refuge in times of trouble. And those who were oppressed, and also those who were considered with very low esteem, and were despised, by others, and if they had been mocked and ridiculed, for such kind of people who will come to your feet for refuge, Lord you grant them protection and refuge, as you are a God of refuge. Let them get a fulfilling life and let them receive just as you promised, a full reward be given to them. Therefore for your children let the door of job opportunity, the door for ministry be opened to them. The door of their womb and the door of their life or livelihood, be opened. And thus make their name great and praise worthy. In Jesus Name We Pray.