November 1, 2023
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Nov.1st being the first day of the month, it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Many of you are anxiously waiting to know the auspicious word for the new month. Take with me from the book of James 1:12, “Blessed is the man who endures temptation. For when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised, to those who love Him. ”
This verse says, “ A person will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised, to those who love Him. ” The beginning of this verse says, “ Blessed is the man who endures temptation.” In the past days you had endured many trials very patiently, and now you are about to enter this new month. God is looking at you and saying that you are a blessed person because you have handled and endured very patiently all the trials and testing in your life, and today you are entering a new month. God is saying “ That for those who love him, will receive a crown of life which He has promised.” So those who love Him will receive the crown of life, which God has promised. So in this month you will receive many crowns. You will receive Promotion and an elevation in your life. You will receive awards and rewards this month. Because all these months you had borne all the trials and temptations very patiently. God is very particular in honoring you after you have suffered all the testing. So today God who has prepared, in advance those crowns such as, Kingly upliftment, kingly crown, kingly position, and the kingly anointing will be given to those who love Him. This month all your poverty will be cleared off or erased and you will receive Light that would lead you to progress in your life. If poverty and famine are cleared then it is a season of wealth. Only if wealth comes into your life then poverty will flee away. So all these days, you have been folding your hands and standing before others in a humble manner. In future others will stand before you in a humble way. God will give you such a high position, a kingly position in life that others will stand before you.
That day Saul who went in search of the lost donkeys, God anointed him as the king, and poured the kingly ointment upon him and gave him a kingly post. Therefore for those of you who have got up early this morning, Heavenly God is keeping a kingly anointing upon your head. You close your eyes and see through your eyes of faith, and you will see a royal anointing being poured upon your head. And you will see a royal crown being placed upon your head. Not through others eyes, but your own eye shall see it. In the past you had worked very hard but the one sitting above you had taken away your reward and award. It is a crown to be given to you, because you had to get that reward. You had to get that award, many of you work hard, but it is not taken to the notice of your Boss, as those who are subordinate to the Boss avoid it for various reasons, and they take the reward and good name. I have heard many students doing Phd saying, “I have worked so hard to discover this theory through research, which no one has found so far and instead of receiving the crown myself, the guide himself has misused it and saying that he did not know anything about it, he has given the project to someone else. And he has given them the doctorate degree. Some do wrong deeds for the sake of money and they sell the truth and where such kind of people live on this earth. Today God is coming into your homes to give you that reward and award for having worked so hard, and borne all the trials very patiently. Many of you regret saying, “The effort of my hard work has not been recognized, and has not reached the right place where it should be recognized. For those kinds of children who are very upset for not being recognized, God has come straight into your house, Because you have set your love on Him. Because of this one qualification, God is going to give you that Royal post and royal crown and that high position. We see that Mordicai was sitting outside the king’s palace gate in an ordinary manner. Many ignored him and even scorned him, but a day came when he was honored by the king and he was given the next place to the king, and he was taken around the city and exalted. In the same manner, you will be honored before others In the very place where you had been dishonored. It may be in your family or in the place of your work spot, or in your business center. God will surely do what he has promised . So if you bear all the trials very patiently then you will receive a royal crown.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord what a great promise you have given your children on the first day of this eleventh month. Lord, you have honored the hard effort and labor of your children. And how happy they are in knowing that you have given them kingly post and kingly elevation. Let them receive many awards and rewards. For those who have been waiting very long, and have become very weary, in their heart, for not having secured a job, I pray that you will grant them more than their expectation, more than they have prayed for or have thought about it, by giving them a kingly position, a kingly job and make them sit in high position and place the crown on their head. And I thank You for admiring them. “You are a God who raises the poor, out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap. That He may seat him with princes, -With princes of His people.” So hereafter, All those who are reading this message, let them sit in the midst of kings and ministers, and government officials. I thank You Lord for making them be seated with such high officials, and for admiring them. Let them not see through others eyes but through their own eyes, and rejoice in the Lord. I bless all the children from the bottom of my heart, in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. May the Lord hold their hands and lead them throughout this month. Let all of them be delivered from their disease, their debts, troubles, and court cases. Let them see a broad place in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.