January 20, 2022

Prince of Peace - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is  from the book  of  John 20:19, “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

From the above context we learn that 2000 years ago, Jesus entered the room where the disciples had hidden themselves for fear of the Jews, and said to them, “Peace Be Unto You.”He directly conveyed the message of peace unto them. In the same way the Lord Jesus Christ is telling “Peace Be Unto You.” to each one of you who are reading this message. Today God is descending in the midst of you as He is the Prince Of Peace, As birds hovering, over its young ones,  so will Jehovah of hosts protect you, He will protect and deliver you from the hands of the evil people,   He will pass over and preserve you. God wants to put aside all the incidents that destroyed your peace and joy and He wants to restore to you a peaceful life. God wants to perform miracles in your life and undo and uproot all kinds of past happenings that caused displeasure, and restlessness and establish peace in your life. He desires to change your sorrow into joy.  You’re mourning into dancing. He wants to loosen your sackcloth and gird you with gladness.

He wants to bind up your broken heartedness. To comfort all those of you who mourn.  Giving them a garland instead of ashes, God will take the cup of trembling from your hand and put it into the hands of those who tormented and troubled you. God wants to bring about peace like a river upon your heads.  So you see, how the Lord Jesus Christ entered into the room that was closed, and stood in the midst of his disciples, and said. “Peace Be To You.” Now the Lord is bringing peace to all the elders, small children and even the youngsters who are reading the message. In those days when a man or woman who enters into married life and takes the responsibility of the family will face a lot of fear in them. They have misunderstanding and when troubles increase then they sink in depression. When a person does not get what he desires then he gets disappointed and goes through trouble.

Today we find small children saying, “Allow me to live peacefully.   I am in tension.  Wont you let me watch the TV peacefully, won’t you let   me play cricket with my friends for a while peacefully?” They even say, “I don’t know why I was born into this family.  May be if I was born in another family,   I could have enjoyed much freedom.”They talk as if they had lost all their future which shows that from children to adults all are filled with worries, worries, and worries. Today God wants to clear all your worries, and grant His divine peace, to you in your families, among your children, between your siblings and relatives. Once the members of your family are at peace with one another, then your life will be peaceful and calm. May the Lord grant you His peace that passes all understanding, and fill your hearts and mind with comfort. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for   this   blessed day. Dear Lord, thank You for telling us about peace. We thank you for comforting Your disciples who were scared and afraid of the Jews, by telling them, “Peace Be Unto You.’’  Likewise comfort us also. Grant to us the same peace in our family. In our business centre and in all things we do. Come with us daily Lord Jesus, and help us live peacefully.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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