November 1, 2019

Praise God - Bro. T. Stephen

My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of Exodus 18:9 , “ Then Jethro Rejoiced for all the good which the Lord had done for Israel. Whom He had delivered out of the hand of the Egyptians. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters from the above words we see how  Jethro  was  happy over all that the Lord had done for the people of Israel, and  Jethro said, “Blessed be the Lord who has delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of the Pharaoh. Jethro the man of God praised Him When he heard all about the doings of God. And Jethro said, “Blessed be the Lord who has delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh.” Jethro praised the Lord when he heard all the good things that happened to Israel in the midst of Egypt

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jethro was Moses’s uncle. He was delighted to hear about all the good things the Lord had done for Israel in rescuing them from the hand of the Egyptians. When Jethro heard that God provided Manna, the heavenly food from above, and also provided them with water to drink while they were thirsty and he turned the bitter water( waters of Marah ) into sweet water. He praised God . Moses actually met Jethro  His father in law after he received the Ten  Commandments,  from mount Sinai. Jethro was pleased to know how the people, of Israel, found favour in the sight of the Egyptians. For they borrowed gold, silver, and jewels, bringing them out of Egypt with a mighty hand. He was excited to know how God guided them as a pillar of cloud during the day. And as a pillar of fire during the night. How God divided the waters of the Red  Sea  for them to pass through dry ground. He gave them victory over the Amalakites.   One must realize that the joy of Jethro was not merely  on account of the goodness of God done to Moses just because he was married to his daughter Zipporah;  but because of the great things God had done for Israel,  God’s special and chosen people. The worshippers of the true and living God for whom   Jethro   had  an  affection. And therefore he rejoiced in their prosperity.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Just as Jethro was happy on hearing the good things which God had done for the people of Israel, in the land of Egypt, You also shall be happy to hear, all the good things that God is about to do  for you and your children.  God is good. He is good all the time. He will be good to you also.  You might have experienced hardship in your work spot or in your business. You might have faced a lot of loss   but God has turned your loss into gain and has brought peace at your work spot.  Therefore you need to rejoice in the Lord and praise Him all the days, of your life like Jethro.  God does not wish that you suffer   always. He wants to bring about a great change in your life situation.

 For, just as God had prepared a land flowing with milk and honey for his people God wants to give you the best in life. He lifts the needy. He raises the poor from the ash heap to set them among princes. And makes them inherit the throne of glory. God exalts the horn of His anointed. He wants to bless you with grain, new wine and oil. This represents prosperity. God wants to make you prosperous.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for helping the people of  Israel with food and water. You guided them with your presence. Meet all our needs too. Guide us through this dry and scorched wilderness. Lead us to Oasis where we can rest near Elim and  drink of the waters of Oasis.  Help us to depend upon you O Lord. May we rejoice in you and praise you all the days of our life.

In Jesus name we pray.


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