March 2, 2019

Persistent in Prayer - Bro. T. Stephen

My  Dear  Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus  Christ our Lord.  The blessed  word  that God has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of  Hosea 12:4, “Yes He wrestled with the angel and prevailed.  He wept and sought His favour. He found him at Bethel. And there He spoke with us”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  From the above context we come to understand   that Jacob had power over the Angel who represented the invisible Jehovah.  Jacob was  left in a tight corner situation.  He was left alone.  So he wept over  his situation and made supplication to God. He entreated  with   tears  that  God should bless him and he prevailed. Jacob found God in Bethel. It was there that God made those glorious promises to Jacob, relative to his posterity. Bethel was the meeting place of God and Jacob. It was there that God spoke to him directly.  Jacob Prayed with tears from a sense of his own unworthiness and with earnestness for the mercy he desired. Jacobs wrestling with the angel was not only a physical conflict but a spiritual one. He cried with earnest supplication and prayers. And strove not  for victory but for a blessing, The extraordinary conflict between Jacob and the Angel was so excellent which shows that Jacob had  come into imminent danger of his life therefore he exerted his bodily strength to defend his life. Jacob called the name of the place “’Peniel ” saying “For I  have  seen God face to face  and yet my life has been delivered.”

Jacob was obedient to his parents. So they blessed him and sent him to his uncle Laban’s  place  as he feared that his brother Easu, would kill  him for cheating his father Isaac and taking all the blessings that was due to him. Since he obeyed his parents God blessed him. God blessed Jacob many times more than his uncle Laban.

 My dear Brothers and Sisters if you obey the Lord God then He will bless you too. God expects reverence and submission to God.  Jacob humbled   himself   before God as he was left alone and he had no one to help him in that situation.  So he wrestled with God until the angel touched his hip socket and Jacobs’s hip was  put out of joint as he wrestled with him till  day break.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Learn to be like Jacob who said “Lord I will not let you go until you bless me.”And because he persisted he prevailed. The bible says, “The violent take by force.” If you need an answer to your prayers then you need to pray until you have achieved your request. May God help you to be honest and faithful to God with implicit obedience and humbleness of heart. There was no more room for ego or selfishness. He admitted that he was “Jacob” So God called him “Israel” and changed his entire course of life.

May God change your life too and bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.  We thank you Lord because you are prepared to meet an ordinary man to change his course of life. Teach us to humble ourselves before You Lord, and confess our sins. Make us to pray until we receive our request. Cause us to learn from Jacob how to achieve success or victory in our life and be blessed like Jacob. In Jesus name we pray.


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