October 12, 2020

NO MORE TEARS - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Revelation 21:4, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.”

He is a God who wipes our tears. He   wants us to live a happy and comfortable life.  He does not want us to suffer and weep over our problems. But because of our own mistakes or because of our sinful nature we get entangled into some kind of captivity. Yet, God due to His love and mercy wants to set us free from all our struggles and wipe our tears. He even gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  God strengthens us when we are weak. He loves you and He cares for you. So trust in Him for every need of yours. Because the Lord will give what is good.

The Lord says, weeping, shall endure for a night – and the tear-drops,  that have dampened our pillows will one day be wiped away. God Himself will dry every tear, for He enters into every searing pain and each aching heart. Not one secret   sigh that crosses our minds, nor one stabbing pain that cuts deep into our hurting heart is missed by our gracious God of love, for He is our great God of comfort and Lord of  life .We live in a fallen world and none  of us  can escape  from the difficulties and tragedies that stalk the path of every person  that is born into this fallen race. But through this beautiful truth, God is giving us a tiny   glimpse  about the new  heaven, and  a  new earth,  that is to be   established by God.

The day is coming when the Lord Himself, will live with men – and they will be His people and He will be their God. This will be a day when all wrongs are set   right. Joy will replace sorrow, and God Himself will dry every teardrop. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will no longer be any death. There will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things would   have passed away.” The Lord knows the deepest pain that breaks   the heart of His people and in Psalms  we   read, that “The Lord puts all our tears into His bottle.” He treasures the tears that His people shed in this world, for they witness many evils and have to endure much persecution and pain for the sake of Christ. But the tears of His people are precious to the Lord, for they are sharing in Christ’s suffering and pain.

Jesus was despised and rejected when He came to earth and gave Himself up,  as the sacrifice for our sin. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with the same grief and agony that we often have to undergo. But He also faced the agony of the cross on our account, to gain the victory over sin and satan, death and hell. What a blessed truth,  that a day is coming where every tear will be dried by our precious Saviour, because of His sacrifice. “And there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain – for we will reign with Jesus on this earth. Because of His sacrifice, there will be no weeping in heaven,  death and destruction will be swallowed up in victory  by his resurrection.  We will  be  able to rise up into newness of life, where pain and sorrow will flee away,  what a wonderful day that would be. Many who are reading this message are unaware of this truth that one day we  will be along with Jesus in Heaven.

Many of you reading this message are caught up in   some kind of captivity.  You feel so disheartened because, though married for several years, you have not been blessed with a child. Some do not have a stable business. If you take one step forward, you fall behind ten steps back ward. You have no one to lift you up in your business either financially or through man   power or  give  you  moral   support. Some  suffer  because  of  their children, who  do not do very well in their studies.   Rather they have grown disobedient and they are more focused in gadgets like mobile, internet, chatting, playing video games and listening to their peer   groups instead of being dutiful, to their parents. In fact they have become a nuisance to their parents. Some parents think “ why  did I ever have such a son or daughter who cause disgrace to the family.  

A  day is already set, for  God  to  wipe away all your tears. But never forget that in this world of sickness and sin, hardship and pain you have a Saviour, who understands your sorrow, pain and agony. Never forget that you  have God’s indwelling Spirit of comfort, Who is with you   every moment you  shed tears. Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted and set the captives free so He understands,  He knows, He loves, and He cares, for each one of us, so draw closer to His arms of comfort, and trust in His love today, for a day is coming where there will no longer be any mourning, crying, or pain. You may not understand why you have to endure some of the things in life that cause such heart-ache and pain. He is our present help in trouble today, and tomorrow He will wipe away the tears from all of our eyes.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father we know that You hold our future, and so we entrust our life into Your hands  today. We know that You are with us in every trial, and pain we are facing. We really don’t know why we go through such sufferings but we  trust  in  Your loving kindness,  and tender mercies, which are new every morning. And your faithfulness towards us is so great.

In Jesus’ name we  pray,


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