March 23, 2019
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Genesis 50:20 , “But as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.’’
My dear Brothers and Sisters from the above context we see how God settles His children in fertile places, where they can enjoy the grace and glory of God by His rich providence. Namely the rivers of water and ever green pastures .
May be all these years your effort to make a better life, had been a failure. But God is saying, hereafter, you shall enjoy the fruit of your hard work. You might have tried for a good job, or for your promotion, or expansion of your business but all these years you were not, able to progress in life. But the moment Jesus comes into your life and through the meditation of God’s word, you shall experience a great change in your life. Some of you have incurred great loss in your business or may be your marriage didn’t work, nothing seems to be going on well in life. Therefore you seem to be frustrated in life. Some even go to the extent of committing suicide, because of failure in life. But Jesus says, that He will turn your failure into success. Whatever went wrong in your life will turn for your good.
That’s what we see in the life of Joseph. His own brothers threw him into the deep pit. Then they picked him up from the pit and sold him to the Egyptian merchants. There in Egypt he was cast into the prison, because of Potiphar’ s wife. But Joseph never murmured against God. The Lord was with him and whatever he did the Lord made it to prosper. As God was with him, he became the governor of Egypt. His brothers came to Egypt to buy food grains from the land of Canaan. He recognized his brothers and showed mercy to them. He cried out to them, saying “you meant evil against me but God meant it for good in order to save the lives of many people’’. In the same manner, until today someone must have sown evil seeds to cause destruction to you. But the evil, they had done for you, would actually be for your good. God will lift you up and exalt you in such a way that others may be surprised at your elevation. When God decides to show favour to you no one can stand against His decision. Hence cheer up in the Lord.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for changing the evil for our own good. For planting us by the rivers of water and helping us to be fruitful. And blessing us with all good things. Lord let no evil befall us, Instead bless the work of our hands and help us to prosper in our life. In Jesus name we pray.