January 7, 2019

May You Be Fruitful - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the  book of,  Hosea 14:5, “I will be like the dew, to Israel; He shall grow like the Lilly. And lengthen the roots  like Lebanon”.

 My dear Brothers and Sisters,  the above context refers to the word of God, “My Words Shall  Be like the Dew to Israel.” The essential word of God, is like the dew, either in His  divine  or human  nature,  but it is to be understood, of the blessings of grace He is to His People as Mediator, being to them wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

Again the line “He shall grow like the lily refers to the people of God, and the church  are compared especially for their beauty and Calmness in Christ. Usually  the root of the lily  lies buried in the earth for a long time. Sometimes   it seems as if it was dead. But all of a sudden it springs out of the earth and grows up to a great height and becomes very flourishing. This is not owing to its toil, but because of the dew of heaven. In the same manner, Gods elect, in a state of nature are dead. But being quickened by the grace of God, spring up all of a sudden, and grow very fast. This is not because of  themselves, but because of God’s divine grace and due to the influence of the Holy Spirit, they rise up in their faith and hope to the high calling of God in Christ and such people become fruitful, in grace and in good works.

Dear Children of God,  the Lord will make you to stand firm like the roots of Lebanon. He will plant you in the place that he has promised to take you and there He will plant you and no harm shall befall you. You shall be a blessing, in the land that the Lord takes you. You shall successful in all that you do, provided you do everything in accordance to the will of God.  You shall be like the roots of lily that shoots up to a great height, strong and sturdy.  God will straighten you like that of the lily. You shall be a blessing, and you will be fruitful. If only you obey His word, and walk according to his will, God will bless you with a good income, prosperity in your business, and bless your future. May you be fruitful and flourishing.

God bless  you.


Our Loving Heavenly Father, We thank you for this blessed day. Lord help us to discern your will in our life.  May we  understand that all our  achievement is not because of us  but it is the gift from God. We realize that  we are blessed because of Your  divine grace. Thank You for the dew that comes from heaven to satiate our longings.  In Jesus name we pray.


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