June 9, 2020

Man Of Wisdom. - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of 1 Kings 4:29-30 “ And God gave Solomon, wisdom, and exceedingly great understanding and largeness of heart, like the sand on the seashore. Thus Solomon’s wisdom, excelled the wisdom, of all the men, of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt.”

From the above passage we learn that God gave Solomon, wisdom and understanding, exceeding much knowledge of great variety of things, and prudence in the administration Of the government. And largeness of heart. Great vastness of understanding. Or a very comprehensive mind. His mind contained an ocean of knowledge. Capable of receiving, the knowledge, of all things. Solomon’s wisdom was more glorious than his wealth. He had the gift of utterance, as well as wisdom. It is very desirable that those who have large gifts of any kind should have large hearts, to use them for the good of others.

Today God wants to bless you and your children with such knowledge and wisdom that he had granted to Solomon. That you may be blessed in all things. For I see in my spirit many of you suffering from lack of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. And thereby not very successful in life. God wants you to be successful in all that you do. And hence you need intelligence, power, good mindset, skill, knowledge and determination to execute the work you need to do. God says, If any of you lacks wisdom. Let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach. So you need to ask God for wisdom and knowledge. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, many of you reading this message seem to be worried about your son, or daughter who are possessed with evil spirit, They never obey your words. They walk while they are asleep, They listen to strange sounds, while they are asleep. They are unable to concentrate in their studies, or focus in their work. Even your husband at times behaves in an odd manner. Some even walk towards the graveyard. They behave in a strange manner because of lack of knowledge and very poor understanding. God is delivering them from such evil spirit. Some children are unable to write their exams properly because the spirit of darkness blocks their mind from doing well in their papers. God is delivering those children whose brain have/has been caught hold off by Satan from functioning properly. God will deliver them. For He says, “ I am with you. Do not be afraid. I am the Healer.”

God wants you and your children to be knowledgeable persons, with sharper wisdom. God is destroying all your blunt wisdom and knowledge. You might be crying over your children, because they are always, talking negatively. God is redeeming them by infusing positive thoughts and attitude into their minds. God is making (you/them ) into a new sharp threshing instrument, and hence you will be able to smite the mountain and break them into bits of pieces and crushes them like dust. And you will be glorified in the Lord. God wants to fill you with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship as he filled Bezaleel who was appointed by God in building the Tabernacle of God. God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank you for this blessed day. Thank you for teaching us, that we need knowledge, wisdom and good understanding to be successful in life. Bless us with wisdom and knowledge. Help us to apply it in our daily activity and thus glorify God. Fill us with divine spirit of God that we may have power to achieve success in our life.
In Jesus name we pray.

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