January 21, 2021

Jesus Does Wonders - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed  word  that God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book ofJob: 9:10 “He does great things  past finding out, Yes, wonders without numbers.”

From the above context we learn that our God does wonders that cannot be numbered. 2000 years ago while Jesus was on this earth He performed many miracles. People flocked behind him wherever He went, just to see His miracles. He caused   the blind to see and the deaf to hear. He raised Lazarus from the dead, He healed the blind man   who was at   the Siloam pool and healed the woman with infirmity for eighteen years. He healed the daughter of Jairus’” and also healed the demon possessed young man who often fell into the fire and hurt himself. Jesus healed the man who was paralysed for thirty eight years. He fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes. He restored the sight of Bartimaeus, who cried out to the Lord saying “Jesus Son of David have mercy on me. He cried aloud and Jesus stood there for a while and performed a miracle for him. And he received his sight. Thus our God was known as a wonder working God. He was a Miracle Maker. 

During his days upon this earth, Jesus was invited to a Marriage at Cana. His mother and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. Unfortunately the wine was running out and there was no more wine to be served. The wine in those days was considered as a prestigious drink by the Jews.  If   the Lord of the house failed to offer wine at the wedding party it would be considered a shame. Mary the mother of Jesus knew that the wine in the wedding house was getting over. She knew that it wasn’t wise to inform the bride or the bridegroom’s family; she straightaway informed the matter to Jesus. This was an important issue as far as the wedding was considered. She knew that only Jesus could solve the problem immediately. Only Jesus could give instant relief in such a situation, and none other could do anything about it. 

Mary the mother of Jesus submitted the matter to Jesus and also instructed the servants to do what Jesus commanded them to do. When the appointed time came Jesus performed a miracle, and soon all the need in the wedding house was met by Jesus. Now there were six stone water jars, there for Jewish ceremonial washings. Since the wine ran out,   Jesus told them, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. He commanded the disciples to fill the empty jars with fresh water. And then He asked them to draw the water and serve the guests. When the guests served the water it was turned to sweet and tasty   wine. It was so tasty that the Master of the Feast did not know from where it came. And all the guests inquired him how he had stored the tasty wine to be served till the end of the Feast. 

Dearly Beloved,  what is the problem  that is troubling you? Submit your problem to the Lord Jesus Christ. May be you approached many people regarding your problem with a hope that they will solve your problem. But you   are disappointed. You never got a proper solution to your problem. Those whom you approached have  put you to shame.  Only Jesus can help and perform an instant miracle while you are in trouble. So in times of such difficult situation, learn to trust in Jesus. Put your confidence in Him. Surrender your problem to Jesus. That is what even Job did in his life, when he went through affliction. He held on to God. He said, “I will surrender my problem to the Lord for He will do great and unsearchable things. He will do wonders beyond numbers.”And this is what Mary did. She submitted the problem to the Lord. And through His miracle He did great and marvellous things. 

God is speaking prophetically to you through this message that God will intervene and solve all your problem. In which ever problem you are caught up in, that problem will be solved instantly, provided you submit your problem to the Lord Jesus Christ. Acknowledge your ways unto the Lord and He will direct your steps. God is going to perform a wonder in your life. All the people would look at you in surprise and inquire as to how this miracle happened in your life. And you can tell them that there is nothing impossible for the Lord to do.  And it was God who performed the miracle in your life. May the Lord reveal to you His great power and strength, by doing a miracle for you. God Bless you.  

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for teaching us to depend  upon the Lord when we go through tribulation. Help us to put our confidence in God, and surrender our problem to You. May we learn to depend upon  You.  Thank You  Lord for changing the  water into wine,   and   thus   bring about a  marvellous   change  at the wedding house.  You filled the emptiness of that house with the tasty wine.  Likewise   change our sorrow into joy and help us to see greater days in our life. 

In Jesus name we pray,


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