November 18, 2021

Jairus Daughter Was Healed. - Bro. T. Stephen

My   Dear   Brother   and  Sister  in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator,  Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of  Mark  5:22-24.”My little daughter lies at the point of death. Come and lay Your hands on her, that she may be healed and she will live.”

My Dear Brother And Sister, from the above context we learn that Jairus,  the  father of the  little girl was a servant of God. He believed that if Jesus will come to his house and touch his daughter then she will   be healed and  will   receive life  again. He believed that Jesus had  power to give life to his daughter,  so he  pleads the Lord to come to his house and touch his daughter. The father did not want his daughter to die of illness. She was a small  and  tender girl of twelve years. So he fell at the feet of Jesus and begged the Lord Jesus to come to his house and  touch his daughter. The sorrow of his countenance caused Jesus to sympathise with him.

My Dear  Brother  And Sister,  Therefore  Jesus accepted his invitation and walked towards his house. On their way they got the bad news that the girl was dead. But Jesus looked at the father and said, “ Just believe.  Your child will survive.” When they reached the house many people were gathered there. They were all crying  and  wailing over the death of the little girl. The entire town was immersed in deep sorrow.  Jesus sent everyone away from that place and he went near the girl and uttered saying, “Talitha  Cumi,” This word means,  ‘Little girl, I say to you, arise.” The next moment the little girl arose to life.   Hallelujah!  In a moment Jesus brought life into the little girl. She who was lying  dead,  arose and  sat on her bed. Jesus then handed the little girl to her parents who were much distressed. God changed all their sorrow into joy.

My Dear Brother And Sister, All those who were distressed became joyful on seeing the girl back to life. There was great rejoicing  in the house  of Jairus. God will also  make your  sorrow turn into joy. Are you suffering from such dead situation,  saying nothing good is happening in your life. All your effort has  turned out to be a disaster, or a failure. You seem to be vexed with your life.  You seem to have been  stricken in sorrow and pain like Jairus and his household. Well I wish to tell all those of you who are reading this message with great  expectation saying, “ Will not something good happen in my life.  How long will I struggle in life.   I feel   so ashamed because I am barren, I have no child to fondle. All  the  people  talk bad about me.”  Or you may be unemployed looking out for a job, or you may be getting older and you are unable to settle in life. You are unable to secure a life partner.   Well do not be dismayed or discouraged. Just Believe like Jairus.  God will awaken all the dead situation in your life. God will grant you the desires of your heart. He will grant you the gift of a child and you will be able to embrace and fondle your child proudly in your arms. You will secure a good job with a good package. God will lift you up. For He lifts the poor out of the dung hill and sets him high to be seated,  along with the princess. He will offer you a good life partner and help you settle in life. All things are possible to them that believe In His name.  God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father,  we   thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Dear Lord,   we  thank you for   healing the girl and   bringing her back to life.   Likewise   awaken all our dead situation  to life and grant us our hearts desire. May we have faith like Jairus, who invited Jesus to his house. Help us also to invite Jesus into our houses and be blessed. Let  every  disabled situation in our life be rejuvenated, by the power of God. That we may shine in life.

In Jesus  Name We Pray.


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