October 4, 2023

Israel shall dwell in safety - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Oct 4th. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. Let’s take with me Deuteronomy 33:28, “Then Israel shall dwell in safety. The fountain of Jacob alone. In a land of grain and new wine. His heavens shall also drop dew.”

“The Grains” indicate your income “ The wine” represents family life. Today God is opening a fountain in your business, regarding your income. He is bringing about. He is also bringing a fountain in your family life, and He wants to bless you. The heavens will also drop the dew and bless you. Why are the heavens dropping the dew upon the earth? It is to help in the growth of grass, herbs and shrubs. The dew helps to form a green meadow or a fertile land by dropping dew from heaven. Hereafter this dew will drop over your business center, over your ministry. And also over your family life. You shall experience a divine blessing upon your family in the spiritual aspect. And also in the worldly sense. So firstly you will have a sufficient fountain of grains. That means God is going to give you a fountain of good income. Why should God give you a fountain of grain for you, is because, all these days you had been in a deserted place. And you waited for the fountain to emerge. You invested a lot of money but never found a good result.

Today God is going to create a fountain from heaven , especially in the place of your work spot, that fountain will overflow. That fountain will overflow over your business center. It will flow in the place of your ministry. So you will not borrow from any one in future, but you shall lend to many nations. God will bless the work of your hands and make you prosperous. By giving you a fountain of grains the Lord is going to bless you in order that you may be a channel of blessing to many others. God will thus bless and you shall eat well, and be satisfied. You shall be fresh and flourishing.

Next He tells about the fountain of new wine. It is a mark of happy family life. The symbol of happiness and joy in a family. It Is said that Israel shall dwell in safety. In a land of new wine. The new wine represents the joy of those people who dwell in Israel. The joy of being in a family life. Whoever is not there in the family, and if there is no joy in the family life, and there is no joy in the relationship between parents and children. In many families instead of sowing joy and happiness within the family the Devil spoils all the joy in a family. while he is sowing pain and agony in the midst of families, God is removing that which causes all the pain from your family, and He is going to fill that family with joy and mirth. So that you may enjoy a happy family life and be healthy . God will take measures to keep you happy and joyful in your family life. Some of you are sitting and thinking why you got married.You Seem to say” It would have been better if I had not got married. Don’t know why I had a child. It would have been better that I never bore a child at all. ’’Why are people saying this. It is because the fountain of wine had become bitter like that of the waters of Marah. God who changed the bitter waters of Marah will change the bitter state of your family life and bring about a change in your family life so that you may live a happy married life. Thank The Lord for your good family life and also thank the Lord for blessing you with children. Such good days are ahead of you. Not too long but today itself you shall see a change.

Prayer: Dear Lord we Thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord you said, That Israel shall dwell in safety. And there will be a fountain of grain and new wine. Will come in the land that they dwell. Lord, we thank you for the grain of income with which you will bless the children. Thank you for the fountains that you have formed for them. For good income, for good ministry, for good business, for good power and gifts of the Holy spirit. Give good business and may their cup overflow with blessings. Lord remove all the bitterness from their families and make them as good and new wine. Lord, you intervene in their family life and transform all the relationships among the members of the family. Lord remove all the evil spirit that causes separation in the family and may the Lord who is loving remain in the midst of the family and make it enjoyable, Make it sweeter. Make it tastier.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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